'The Last of Us' - Season 1 Thread (NO GAME SPOILERS!) | HBO | January 15, 2023

old pig

Nov 12, 2017

oh wow…maybe I have a chance then.


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
I can understand where you’re coming from, if it was a story about all the characters of TLOU. It isn’t though, even the game was a story about Joel and Ellie becoming an improbable family (only improbable at the beginning of their journey).

It was never about Marlene, the fireflies, or the infected. They’re all just obstacles. There’s no wiggle room in the story, it just is what it is. We aren’t meant to find a right or wrong, just meant to witness the story of those two from start to the eventual finish; until it became a new story.

A Marlene episode would just be bloat. She made her request and was killed because she’s an obstacle. Also because everyone is as capable of being good as they are being a monster, depending on what they want.

The whole point of the stories, in both games, is that it is what it is with no room for further interpretation unless it’s our imagination. The player is a witness, that’s why there’s no choice.
This is true. But my comment isn't made out of pure want. Episode 3 did not stick to the script. It was a directors choice. They could've easily done the same for Marlene seeing as 1) she's actually THE Marlene and 2) they always knew they were going to end this season with this final scene.

In fact, they could've done a Marlene episode showing that it was her and her team that evacuated the Colorado base in haste weeks before Joel.

I don't think that's asking for too much. But like I said, I agree with all your other points.


Gor bu dëgër
Jun 5, 2018
Only one of those ppl was about to take her life away while at the same time not giving her the chance to voice an opinion on it. It wasnt Joel.
You can't say Joel is wrong for taking away Ellie's choice to sacrifice herself, when that isnt what happened in the show.
She was basically kidnapped and put on a surgery table with no consent at all.

Edit: Again i say, Joel is wrong for not telling her the truth. But we are viewing how all this shyt at the hospital played out totally different when it comes to Joel killing everyone.
You could argue that the Fireflies are wronger by default because their overstepping of Ellie's agency implied killing and killing is wrong by nature.

But then you'd have to defend the morality of Joel's murderous rampage to try and save Ellie against the morality of the Fireflies killing Ellie to try and save the world. Personally, I don't care to argue this tangeant because I think that both the Fireflies and Joel are wrong and I stop at that.

I understand that you also think that him lying is wrong. What I'm saying is that there is another wrong he committed connected to the first one, which is taking away Ellie's ability to choose forever. As it seems we both came to agree, going off strictly from the show, you can't say for sure whether or nor she would have wanted to sacrifice herself.

The immorality of Joel's actions in the finale is that he doesn't care about what she wants from the moment he learns the procedure would kill her to the ending where he lies again when questioned, and it's those lies that seal the deal started at the hospital when it comes to depriving her of a choice. So in my understanding, if you think the lies are wrong, then by implication you should also agree that taking her choice away was wrong too.

Let me ask you this, why do you think Joel lied repeatedly at the end and told her there was plenty of immune people instead of just saying raiders attacked the hospital and killed everybody? :jbhmm:
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Jun 15, 2018
This is true. But my comment isn't made out of pure want. Episode 3 did not stick to the script. It was a directors choice. They could've easily done the same for Marlene seeing as 1) she's actually THE Marlene and 2) they always knew they were going to end this season with this final scene.

In fact, they could've done a Marlene episode showing that it was her and her team that evacuated the Colorado base in haste weeks before Joel.

I don't think that's asking for too much. But like I said, I agree with all your other points.

Bill’s story made sense as it just streamlined, what would have been a vehicle to Pittsburg/Kansas City. They took away to make the story more efficient, I think adding to Marlene would have just made things less efficient. She’s a cool character like Bill, but she’s also background noise and the game’s OG quest giver NPC, at the end of the day. I think they vacated Colorado long before Marlene left Boston. She’s just an obstacle in the way of the unstoppable train that is Joel & Ellie’s newfound sense of family.


Jul 22, 2015
Let me ask you this, why do you think Joel lied repeatedly at the end and told her there was plenty of immune people instead of just saying raiders attacked the hospital and killed everybody? :jbhmm:
Because he doesnt want her to go thru with the procedure and die. He wants her to drop the issue and go bout enjoying her life. He said earlier "A child shouldnt have to learn to do all that/go thru that" when she stabbed the dude.

Least with Joel taking her choice there - He didnt take away that choice forever though. She is still alive, she can still find out the truth. Marlene was just head of the boston FF, not all of them. He left nurses alive who would tell the story about what happened. If she finds out the truth and she wants to kill herself for a possible cure, she still can.
Marlene taking her choice - dead Ellie, aint no going back.


Gor bu dëgër
Jun 5, 2018
Because he doesnt want her to go thru with the procedure and die. He wants her to drop the issue and go bout enjoying her life. He said earlier "A child shouldnt have to learn to do all that/go thru that" when she stabbed the dude.

Least with Joel taking her choice there - He didnt take away that choice forever though. She is still alive, she can still find out the truth. Marlene was just head of the boston FF, not all of them. He left nurses alive who would tell the story about what happened. If she finds out the truth and she wants to kill herself for a possible cure, she still can.
Marlene taking her choice - dead Ellie, aint no going back.
Well there's a contradiction there. If he indeed
doesnt want her to go thru with the procedure and die. He wants her to drop the issue and go bout enjoying her life.
and lies to ensure this happens, then for all intents and purposes, he robs her of that choice forever, in full knowledge of the cause.

Are you saying that he purposefully left the nurses alive to tell the tale or spared them because they're were no threat and he achieved his objective already, getting to Ellie?

Because if you say the first part, that contradicts the first statement I quoted.
If you say the second part, then that just means he was sloppy, and doesn't change him trying knowingly to take away her choice forever.

Black Mamba

Mar 11, 2022
Why would anyone expect differently?

The only questions are will Abby be an actual treh with prime Hulk Hogan eat your vitamins drink your milk biceps and how many episodes will it take him to get his Tiger Woods stroke on...Season will die after that scene just like the game did...
Oh here we go another crybaby
CMON LET IT ALL out :russ: