Saw someone on twitter complainging that the show cheaped out on the CGI giraffe and that it looked horrible
People really have no idea wtf they’re talking about
Unrelated but you can feed the giraffes by hand if you get to Zoo Atlanta during the right times. I assume you can do that in lost cities. It’s kind of relaxing if anyone is interested.
TWD season1 wasn’t groundbreaking. Never said it was. But you cannot deny it gave more life to the zombie genre after just a few seasons. You may not enjoy it personally but there’s a reason why so many people are calling TLOU the new TWD. Because TWD was that big of a show that people are desperately searching for a similar show to scratch that zombie itch (which is funny because TLOU isn’t trying to be TWD). The reason I said groundbreaking is because some folk are acting like TLOU season 1 is groundbreaking. Fukk TWD their comparing it to critically acclaimed and highly praised shows like Breaking Bad, The Wire, GOT etc. I don’t remember people calling TWD the goat after just one season. If anything people were just saying it might be the next big show (like Lost or something), and it had major potential.
This is my opinion. TWD season 1 was more entertaining to watch. The story isn’t as deep as TLOU but it’s a funner/more preferred watch for me. Sometimes people want to watch a show to get lost in its world building, it’s universe. Focus on multiple characters/survivors etc. I feel like TLOU show (not the game) was inconsistent with that (Ellie & Joel is too much the focus which I didn’t like about the game either even though I think the game is better than the show).
Sometimes people also just want to watch “a plain ol’ zombie flick”, or fukkery. Which is what TWD basically is. It’s like TLOU season has more story depth. But it lacked entertainment (which I’ll argue it’s not really ment to be fun/entertaining, at least not completely). I know I’m probably not conveying this well lol. It’s really just preference.
Basically TLOU show season 1 aims to make you feel (cry and what not, feel for the Ellie and Joel). TWD season 1 is more like a show that aims to entertain you, make you jump maybe (because it’s like a survivor/horror, and drama), have a good time with the group of survivors killing zombies and what not. Plus Rick was a loved character by the viewer.
There were more characters to care for in TWD season 1 to.
Yep. Which neither her nor Joel knew would happen before going there.
Find out what that mouth do in real time
TWD season1 wasn’t groundbreaking. Never said it was. But you cannot deny it gave more life to the zombie genre after just a few seasons. You may not enjoy it personally but there’s a reason why so many people are calling TLOU the new TWD. Because TWD was that big of a show that people are desperately searching for a similar show to scratch that zombie itch (which is funny because TLOU isn’t trying to be TWD). The reason I said groundbreaking is because some folk are acting like TLOU season 1 is groundbreaking. Fukk TWD their comparing it to critically acclaimed and highly praised shows like Breaking Bad, The Wire, GOT etc. I don’t remember people calling TWD the goat after just one season. If anything people were just saying it might be the next big show (like Lost or something), and it had major potential.
This is my opinion. TWD season 1 was more entertaining to watch. The story isn’t as deep as TLOU but it’s a funner/more preferred watch for me. Sometimes people want to watch a show to get lost in its world building, it’s universe. Focus on multiple characters/survivors etc. I feel like TLOU show (not the game) was inconsistent with that (Ellie & Joel is too much the focus which I didn’t like about the game either even though I think the game is better than the show).
Sometimes people also just want to watch “a plain ol’ zombie flick”, or fukkery. Which is what TWD basically is. It’s like TLOU season has more story depth. But it lacked entertainment (which I’ll argue it’s not really ment to be fun/entertaining, at least not completely). I know I’m probably not conveying this well lol. It’s really just preference.
Basically TLOU show season 1 aims to make you feel (cry and what not, feel for the Ellie and Joel). TWD season 1 is more like a show that aims to entertain you, make you jump maybe (because it’s like a survivor/horror, and drama), have a good time with the group of survivors killing zombies and what not. Plus Rick was a loved character by the viewer.
There were more characters to care for in TWD season 1 to.
This is true. This makes it even more inexcusable to not have an episode that focuses on Marlene.I’m not implying that the Fireflies weren’t “Justified” in their initial thinking. BOTH sides failed to give Ellie the full truth of that we agree. I just side with Joel’s reasons over Marlene and the Fireflies.
And Marlene was absolutely INSANE if she thought Joel, even if Ellie woke up and said “Take me to the nearest firefly camp and let them remove my brain in the name of SCIENCE!” Would ACTUALLY have done so. Thats why I think the scene itself should have played out differently. The series didn’t do enough to establish any type of real relationship or understanding between Joel and Marlene where her pleading would have meant anything to him. The episode actually makes Marlene come off worse morally than Joel as Marlene knew Ellie as a newborn and basically abandoned her with the same “oppressive” government that both her and presumably her mother were fighting against. Marlene came off like a villain.
People will say it’s because the story was short anyway (it wasn’t). But that’s no excuse not to flesh out the story (that’s the claim for the adaptation) during the 3rd act…but they had no problem wasting an entire episode on homoerotic it me, or did they wrap up the entire 2nd half of the first game in like 2 episodes?
on the game, I remember joel being injured for hella long.
Gave Bill a backstory just to kill him the same episode.People will say it’s because the story was short anyway (it wasn’t). But that’s no excuse not to flesh out the story (that’s the claim for the adaptation) during the 3rd act…but they had no problem wasting an entire episode on homoerotic filler.
I said before that I didn’t care that they had that episode if it was a longer series or so long as they don’t get anemic on actual existing plot moving forward….Yet he we are.
Wow that is surprising. This show sucks.
hbo didn't normally pander like that. but i WAS confused during s1 of Perry Mason when they made della and hamilton gay and paul drake black (tho that actually has purpose in the show)If you can't deal with political pandering then the Last of Us just isn't for you....or HBO...or Hollywoodf or that matter.
It's certainly not going to go away in this series.
At least it was done with some thought and effort here....that often isnt the case (see the MCU).
I know but I was strictly addressing the argument that she is not in her right mind and therefore can't make an important decision. Even if they don't know what will happen, Joel still trusted her judgement at several points up until then, despite the crazy shyt happening to her.At that point they dont know she has to die to help with the cure. Im sure Joel still thinks they just gonna draw blood, run tests and will be on their way afterwards.
1. Fair. You're right and I'm wrong. I agree.1.He just killed a dozen fireflies and he dont know who else coming. Aint time to ask Ellie her thoughts and stuff. Plus he can't go "my bad", get another fungus doctor right quick and do the surgery.
2. I said he was wrong for not telling her
3. It's not that he disregarded his wants and needs over hers. He knows she wants to live. This is why I view the FF worse than Joel. Marlene can talk all that shyt but at the end of the day, she was gonna take Ellie's life and not give her a choice in the matter.
I'd be very surprised if true child soldiers have great training, and even then... A child soldier is a child soldier regardless of if he's in the child soldier training bootcamp or already on the field.She wasnt even holding the gun right. When Joel first taught her and she said Fedra trained her he was like "Yea figures", on some that training trash shyt. I just cant agree with you on the child soldier stuff. They was going over basic stuff not putting bullets in people. You saw how fukked up she was after shooting that guy that almost killed Joel
A true child soldier trained to be heartless woudlve took that person with no issues.
No, that's not true. There is a delay between the initial infection and the first appearance of symptoms (as for any virus), among which agression, that lead to the infected person losing their mind. They even put a timeframe on this delay in the show (24 hours if bitten in the legs for example). You can more or less safely run tests on infected persons during this timeframe.
The game explicitly states that Ellie is the only immune person they ever encountered.
Proof that you're wrong from the wiki page posted earlier:
Proof that you're wrong in audio format, directly from the game (timestamped):
Proof that you're wrong in written form:
Proof that you're wrong in different colors for visually impaired people:
If you concede that point, I'm willing to discuss the restIf you want to cling on a nonsensical argument, that has been disproven fair and square, I'll let you have at it