'The Last of Us' - Season 1 Thread (NO GAME SPOILERS!) | HBO | January 15, 2023


May 26, 2012
She thought she owed him the truth

Yeah. And also, the Joel she knew in Boston wouldn’t have cared enough to come back on demon time.

Still though, if marlene was ok with taking Ellie’s choice away, she should’ve been smart enough to take Joel’s right to the truth away as well. Of the two, telling joel was always the riskier/more dangerous option.

It also didn’t make sense not to tell Ellie if Marlene thought/knew Ellie would be ok with it, though I get why it happens that way: the story doesn’t work if Ellie has a say. All the heroes and villains would be neatly defined by her answer.


Gor bu dëgër
Jun 5, 2018
Unless you wanted them to do the tunnel part.. which they weren't gonna do:skip:

this ep was gonna feel short.
Why though? Besides Ellie not knowing to how to swim not existing in the adaptation, I felt like it was the big miss of this episode. It would have tied perfectly with episode 1. You don't even have to reproduce the scene 1 to 1, just find a way to get to the climax. I'd have taken that over the suicide bit.

Voice of Reason

Jan 7, 2016
I get what you're saying and they'll definitely have to use makeup and some other tricks to make Bella look older but have you seen Bella lol? She looks pretty much the same in real life.

To me, it would just make more sense practically and financially to cast a new actress as an older Ellie. But the creators/producers are definitely personally attached to Bella and so are many viewers of this season. So, it's highly unlikely she'll be recasted.

Oh well :manny:

I agree with you Bella looks too young and non threatening


Postin’ & Toastin’ Since 02’
Apr 30, 2012
I Understand People Wanting To See More Infected

But All The Praise For This Game Was Story Driven, People Got An Emotional Attachment To The Game Through It’s Story

I Think If There Was More Infected Stuff The People Who LOVED The Game Would Complain The Story Lost It’s Heart And Turned It Into A “Hollywood Zombie Horror Fest”

They Knew That And Were Afraid To Have The Shows True Fan Base Turn On The Show

That’s Just My Take

I Had Doubts About Bella Ramsey But She’s Done Great, She’s Not Game Ellie But She IS Her Own Ellie And They’re Lucky She’s So Good That It Works


All Star
May 28, 2012
TWD season1 wasn’t groundbreaking. Never said it was. But you cannot deny it gave more life to the zombie genre after just a few seasons. You may not enjoy it personally but there’s a reason why so many people are calling TLOU the new TWD. Because TWD was that big of a show that people are desperately searching for a similar show to scratch that zombie itch (which is funny because TLOU isn’t trying to be TWD). The reason I said groundbreaking is because some folk are acting like TLOU season 1 is groundbreaking. Fukk TWD their comparing it to critically acclaimed and highly praised shows like Breaking Bad, The Wire, GOT etc. I don’t remember people calling TWD the goat after just one season. If anything people were just saying it might be the next big show (like Lost or something), and it had major potential.

This is my opinion. TWD season 1 was more entertaining to watch. The story isn’t as deep as TLOU but it’s a funner/more preferred watch for me. Sometimes people want to watch a show to get lost in its world building, it’s universe. Focus on multiple characters/survivors etc. I feel like TLOU show (not the game) was inconsistent with that (Ellie & Joel is too much the focus which I didn’t like about the game either even though I think the game is better than the show).

Sometimes people also just want to watch “a plain ol’ zombie flick”, or fukkery. Which is what TWD basically is. It’s like TLOU season has more story depth. But it lacked entertainment (which I’ll argue it’s not really ment to be fun/entertaining, at least not completely). I know I’m probably not conveying this well lol. It’s really just preference.

Basically TLOU show season 1 aims to make you feel (cry and what not, feel for the Ellie and Joel). TWD season 1 is more like a show that aims to entertain you, make you jump maybe (because it’s like a survivor/horror, and drama), have a good time with the group of survivors killing zombies and what not. Plus Rick was a loved character by the viewer.

There were more characters to care for in TWD season 1 to.

Okay. You are entitled to your opinion, and you have the right to be wrong. 🤣

Season 1 of TLOU is GOATed by so many because the story is leaps and bounds better than any other in the zombie genre, and I say that as a very devoted fan of TWD, up until around the prison episodes. Very few moments throughout TWD series shocked me, or affected me on an emotional level. But in a single season of TLOU I can easily recall multiple scenes that hit me like a ton of bricks. And I would say the same about the greats like The Wire, Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones.... Very few moments like that in TWD.

TWD gets respect because it was really the first modern series that focused on surviving the zombie apocalypse, and it spawned interest in that genre. Season 1, episode 1 was the pinnacle though, and it slowly fell off from there.


May 26, 2012
Why though? Besides Ellie not knowing to how to swim not existing in the adaptation, I felt like it was the big miss of this episode. It would have tied perfectly with episode 1. You don't even have to reproduce the scene 1 to 1, just find a way to get to the climax. I'd have taken that over the suicide bit.

honestly, i'm hoping part of the reason they didn't lean too hard into the zombies is to eventually show ellie and joel becoming more capable as the show continues. in season 1, they can barely handle regular zombies, and needed luck to get past a few clickers. if they're taking those same infected out no problem down the road it makes the threat of new, more dangerous infected more credible by extension.

i personally thought they did a really good job of selling the threat of the undead, so i dont have any issue with them removing some of the bigger horde scenes from the game. these characters wouldn't survive going head up with a single bloater without heavy ordnance. never mind 3 bloaters and a horde of walkers + clickers.

one other complaint i had is that i wish they would have scaled back the number of surviving fireflies in the hospital, because at no point in the show was joel set up to be that much of a badass. i was fine with it. but i was hoping they showed the fireflies on their last legs, or did something else to show why joel could take them on and pull it off.

even if he took a couple hits for example, it still would have fit his lie that he escaped from raiders.

instead, the reasons for his success were mostly implied: he completed the trip to utah, while marlene struggled to get there in one piece. so her team wasn't as capable as they appeared.


All Star
May 28, 2012
I understand the urge to qualify Joel’s decision by arguing that the surgery wouldn’t have worked and even if it did, it was too late anyway….but, that’s missing the point. It’s the trolley problem, and Joel picked Ellie over a vaccine.

You're right. I think most people, if they had to choose between actively doing something to save someone very close to them but kill dozens of strangers would almost always save the person they love over the multitude of anonymous strangers. That's why I don't blame Joel for his decision, despite how terrible it looks from an objective observer.


All Star
Oct 30, 2014
You’re romanticizing Joel’s actions because you agree with them, and demonizing everything else.

Ellie wasn’t being butchered. And Marlene made a choice, the same way Joel did. She did what she thought was right, and she would have had to live with it, the same way Joel did. And if anyone deserved more of a say in Ellie’s fate than Joel, it was the woman who took care of Ellie from day one. The woman who knew her mother and Ellie better than Joel ever could.

The difference between the two is Marlene was prepared to sacrifice someone she loved for the rest of humanity to have a chance. Joel sacrificed everyone else to save Joel.

Thats the fukked up part (imo): Joel didn’t save Ellie for Ellie’s sake. He saved her 100% for himself. Ellie would’ve gone through with the surgery, even if told what it would cost her, and Joel knows it. She told him as much (even if she didn’t know her life would be the price of seeing it through). That’s why when Marlene called him on it he had nothing.

He made a selfish decision to forsake a possible cure for humanity because he couldn’t go through losing his daughter again. I’m not saying I don’t understand why. Similar to Marlene, he was faced with an impossible choice. But don’t make his actions noble. They weren’t. There were no noble decisions left for Marlene or Joel.
Sorry but your logic doesn't follow

If no one is exactly good or bad then Joel isn't making a "bad" choice...if he is bad and a ppl ice of shyt he isn't any more of one than Marlene whom lies and manipulates both Joel and Ellie AND even betrays her life long friend to kill her daughter

Thats a shytty person no matter what kind of definitive benefit that can be derived...and the show and game makes it plain ...its a MAYBE that they MIGHT find a cure/vaccine ..They don't know that they will

So if it comes down to selfishness the fact again they are acting in thier own interests and he does too ....so you can't say Joel is being selfish since ultimately he his acting in Ellies interest- they are acting in the interest of their cause

Killing a child to fulfill your passion puts you right in Evil Karen's company - enjoy your neighbor.


Nov 19, 2016
I Understand People Wanting To See More Infected

But All The Praise For This Game Was Story Driven, People Got An Emotional Attachment To The Game Through It’s Story

I Think If There Was More Infected Stuff The People Who LOVED The Game Would Complain The Story Lost It’s Heart And Turned It Into A “Hollywood Zombie Horror Fest”

They Knew That And Were Afraid To Have The Shows True Fan Base Turn On The Show

That’s Just My Take

I Had Doubts About Bella Ramsey But She’s Done Great, She’s Not Game Ellie But She IS Her Own Ellie And They’re Lucky She’s So Good That It Works
The lack of infected in the show really made getting the cure at all cost really contrived


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
Not letting nobody kill my "daughter" and slice her brain open.

The cordyceps gonna still be in Ellie's head to study when she dies a natural death.

There's nothing stopping these dudes from creating safe zones and protecting the borders from zombies. There should be tons of them. They haven't done it because society as they know it is over. Killing Ellie is not going to fix everything that's happened to humanity. It's done.
Agreed. For every Jackson there are 10 colonies like David’s. fukk around knocking on his door talmbout hey we have a cure and they’d have shot you and had you hanging up for dinner before you finish your sentence.