Avisible Man
S/N: 52093850
She’s 19 in real life. The tricks of the trade for older kid actors who play younger is to dress them in oversized clothes, have them wear kiddie type looks, cast taller actors to work alongside them. Its pretty simple. To “age them up” you put them in form appropriate clothing, lose the hair tie and allow her hair to flow freely, a little makeup, and viola! She looks her age
It's exactly what they've done. Not on some

That wasn't the case in the game; they were way closer in size and frame.
To your point with the hair: it's pulled back and tied up like you said. But even in Last of Us 1, it wasn't like that. She had really prominent bangs shaded to one side.

For me, that is actually the biggest departure for Ellie in the show, physically speaking. There was something off with Bella's Ellie, aside from the looks, and I couldn't figure out what it was till I went back and played Left Behind a few weeks ago. It's the hair. I feel like they should've adhered to the game's hairstyle. But you can't deny that she looks younger. Truth be told, I ain't like what they did with Tess' hair either.

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