One thing I never quite understood from both the game and the show…exactly when/what causes infected to be stuck to the wall and floor surrounded by fungus?
I saw a lot of people say when infected are near death the fungus has them stick to some surface and begin spreading (not sure how without spores)..but clearly with this episode that infected dude was chilling until he heard them.
In the game whenever you see the fungus you know there’s stalkers/clickers/bloaters nearby which led me to believe that it was part of the transformation..
i dont have adhd, but shyt couldnt keep my attentioni thought it was good and really well acted
i know you ADHD mfs couldn't take it tho
Storm Reid is a great actress.
The Harlem QZ has fallen.Hahahahaha yet another gay focused episode
manTake on me
I haven't played the game, but its a reference to the way ants and other insects bite on to trees and stick there when they're about to die from the fungus:
The Cordyceps Fungus Turns Insects into Zombies
Be afraid, be very afraid! The cordyceps fungus is the stuff of nightmares — it literally makes
your local mall run down, broken glass everywhere, raided stores, and got fungus in it?Looks just like my local mall
Looks just like my local mall