Well all stories are the same story - what makes it a good story is how you tell it
A revenge tale works becuase the audience member picks the side of your protagonist and understands thier motivation and identifies with it...even if your protagonist is a less than nice person
John Wick is a revenge tale - you understand why he does what he does ..but you wouldn't give a shyt about John Wick getting his dog killed and his dead wife from cancer car getting stolen if you make all the other shyt he did as an assassin part of the story ...
You know on an intellectual level John has made widows and orphans he has killed dogs and stolen cars from people that he shouldn't have - he's done worse since he is a professional killer but for the purposes of the John Wick movie you get a specific narrative to understand only his part and perspective- this why the movie works and is entertaining.
If you got a story to be sympathetic to the russian that killed John's dog and stole his car then John getting " revenge" doesn't work . Becuase now you have no emotional investment in him succeeding ... after all how can you when he is portrayed as no more worthy of vengeance than those he has aggrieved a lot worse .
So in the same way the failing of the 2nd game is this skewing of who's story is being told that the audience should connect with ...the audience has to connect with your protagonist in a tale of revenge because revenge is emotionally based - there's no other way to tell that kind of a story ...
The 2nd game fuks that up and tries to show equity and how revenge is destructive but it fuks up the message by telling the story so half-assed which is why a.lot of people disliked the game .

and i feel like the ones who didnt like TLOU2 try to bark louder than the ones that did. imo the 2nd game was better in every way. folks dont like the game because their white hero died
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