I found the “bomb everything” comment a bit…over the top.

Like, OK we just found out about this shyt can we explore other options first? Can we confer with other infectious disease experts in other countries? I get they wanted to emphasize the seriousness but it just came off as way over the top and unrealistic.
it actually isnt -
she knew that if it was arising now it means it was much more widespread than they already knew - people were infected with the spores and likely were walking around for a while and they couldnt account for 14 of the people -
a bite on the leg or lower extremity means that whoever that person came into contact with bit them almost a day or maybe even two days before....that would mean that depending on that one biter you could have resonably another 10 victims that if they were bitten were about to turn from the fungus that you didnt know anything about....
now multiply that one by 14 other people who they cant account for you wind up with about 1400potential infectors that will double every 6 to 8 hours ....that means youre looking at 28,000 then something like over a 100,000 within less than two days.,..
do the math its works out - you arent rounding up 28,000 instantly - and those you dont get are making more during the time you arent grabbing them
and thats not even considering the people that are getting infected from the grain /flour ....