Uchiha God
I have a theory that fans, and critics are on the same page (for once) and WANT the show to be successful regardless. So they’re not going to keep it completely 100 on whether it’s actually good or not because if it’s successful. In their minds It could start a whole new era of good video game adaptations.

Games have been geeting good and/or successful adaptations for years now. Castlevania, Witcher (book, but still), Sonic, Arcane.
sometimes people just like some shyt because the shyt is good

This is an IP with +37M cumulative sales by the way. The notion that people think it's good because they "want it to be successful" is comical when posited against the notion that perhaps it is successful because people actually think it's good and that's WHY it is successful. I mean, look at the existing evidence.
The show is true to form when compared to the game so the reasoning translates