What I don't get about this outrage culture, is there is this weird need for them to confirm to themselves they are the majority opinion.
I think it's a fragility thing. I see it with Trumptards and far right conspiracy theorists too.
Where they are extremely vocal about their opinion and constantly searching for those that agree, like they constantly need validation of their opinion as if deep down they are not really sure. They also constantly check the thermometer of other people in their wheelhouse to make sure they are towing the same lines.
Like I was on Youtube in the comments on some TLOU 2 videos (I know, why would I do this to myself) and they are actually convinced that 90% of people who bought the game disliked it and that the majority of people are trying to return it so returns have been banned at all major outlets. No actual evidence of any of this, but they need to believe it for some reason.
It's just weird to me, that this same demographic has to constantly throw out feelers to make sure they are in line with what they are supposed to be mad about. If you say you liked it in the comments they all swarm you to drown you out and scream their opinions so loudly they believe it's just them out there again.
"you are a shill"
"hate to break it to you but they lost their whole fanbase"
"the game is straight SJW trash you can't defend it"
"these reviewers are clearly paid off, no one with a brain would like this story"
"remember when they didn't force SJW nonsense into our games, another franchise ruined"
"naughty dog lost their entire fanbase over this game, Neil will never be able to make a game again after this"
If you watch a twitch stream you will see these guys in the chat too. Almost giddy waiting to see if the streamer will hate it like them. "game is complete trash wait til he see's what happens"
Streamer beats the game and say's it was good 8.5 out of 10.

excuse me, howwww, it's so baddd.
What these guy's don't get is the rest of the world is just exhausted by them cause you can't argue with these dense idiots. You can show them the sky is blue and they will argue it's brown to you. It's just a waste of time. This has backfired though because now they think everyone feels the same as them.
Sorry for the conscious thought stream just was on my mind.