Question for the players playing on hard.....PAUSE. How long does it take yall to run through a section. Because ultimately no matter how hard i try, especially when you finally get to where these nikkas got dogs. All my shyt turned to a fukking massacre. I try to be patient as hell, but gotdamn it be a lot of these folk.
A section may take about up to 2 hours for me (may be through 2 different sit downs). But we may have different views on what's considered a section. I feel like some "section's" have some long ass sections within the section
If you stealth kill an enemy, remain hidden, and you're going in the correct direction. The checkpoint will be quite generous, and start you wherever you were last hidden. With one enemy AI down. You could theoretically spam it until no more enemies are left.
I just did that a few hours ago on a part with dogs, and a shyt-load of enemies in a community (houses). Sometimes in games like this. You have to die a lot, to finally live/progress. Once you hit a new area. If you die on it like 20 times, and there's too many enemies. What you do is run around until you figure out the destination that's going to trigger the next checkpoint/area. You may die even more times. But you'll be scoping/learning the area. Once you know exactly where your destination is. Sneak your way there, run there directly dodging dogs and enemies, or do what i wrote in the paragraph above.
If it's like a door you have to hold the button for like 10 seconds. Make sure you distract enemies nearby by throwing something across, and away from you. Even dogs that are following your scent will stop if you throw something that'll distract their owner.
One last thing. Being seen by an enemy doesn't mean you have to stop hiding and resort to clapping enemies. You can just run away, and find a better hiding spot that's further from where you were last seen. They'll be like"we lost her" or something.
Sorry for the long read, i got carried away