I did some googling and found out this was first blocked from releasing may 15th, even had the trailers pulled from YouTube,
Hector said it was the CIA tryna stop Amazon from showing it, they didn't know if it was ever gonna be released, when it was finally released, It is said because they made a compromise to edit some things, specifically the DEA agent's name,.it was Kikos boss, that James kugenyall cac
I had a feeling wen they showed that court segment where he went under oath, they said he was even fired 2 weeks after Kikis murder cuz he was drunk all the time and fukking up the investigation, it's also said that they made them edit the part out of Oliver north using airfields in Arkansas that was used by then Gov. Clinton, to smuggle drugs as well as train rebels
Hector was set up by the DEA with that kidnapping of the doctor to get him off the Kiki investigation