Thats why he said authentically take it over. I don't understand how can white people can't take over a genre that was birthed from the oppression of black people by white people.can't really take it over if they already own it.
LOL GTFO. How in the world is a non black person expecting to sing like a person who actually grew up and lived within the culture.
A BANK$ is not going to adlib, riff and run like a Fantasia point blank period.
Its almost like extreme sense of entitlement, Like I can sing soul music better than a black person" ego trip. Like "how dare you negros tell me I have no soul even though my only frame of reference to the culture is the radio tv and youtube videos". If you really cared about the music you can easy integrate elements without coming off as prick. That's why Amy winehouse was great she didn't pretend to be this soulful ass singer. She expressed her inner self by adding elements of HER background to the music she loved.
It's ridiculous...
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