Imagine when Kobe sits 

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are you talking about sit down man?
will he be able to do it in 3quarters like the GAWD
Kobe Bryant greatest games: 62pts in 3 quarters vs Dallas - YouTube
I don't care if Nash and Gasol come back... this is my LAST time watching the Lakers THIS YEAR... I've had enough. This is the worst defense I've seen in all my years watching basketball and I don't even know what it is. Unbelievable when the Knicks are gonna score 80 at half. Shooting all those fukking threes. And you so called laker fans questioned me when I said dantoni would be our poison pill.
Oh, now Antoni sucks, huh? But last season it was Melo's fault, right?
you talking nonsense, Kobe can score as much as he want he aint gonna outscore 8-9 players