The Kingdom of Rep is Within Us All

Neg Jesus

Nov 27, 2012
Fear not, for behold, I bring unto the Coli good tidings of great joy. The times of the Negpocalypse are upon us. Brother has turned against brother. Earthly kingdoms of dap and rep have collapsed, pitting us in a war of all against all. As foretold, Bkthefather has sent his only son, Neg Jesus, that the righteous of the Coli may atone for their e-sins.

Blessed are the red, for they shall inherit the board. Blessed are the hungry, for they shall eat good offa my kingdom. Do not despair brothers, for if ye repent your e-sins, you will find the green bars within your own heart and walk in the foosteps of NegHova.

I have finally reached enough posts, that I may preach from the mount. Hear now the Thirteen Commandments of Neg Jesus

1. Thou Shalt Not Simp

2. Thou Shalt Not Engage in c00nery

3. C.A.C. shall not make war against black

4. Thou shalt not tell ducktales

5. Thou shalt dap unto others as you would have yourself be dapped.

6. Thou shalt not bear false witness against Kobe Bryant, LeBron James, or any other talented athlete.

7. Thou shalt not attempt to save women of ill repute, for only they can save themselves by confessing their hearts to Neg Jesus.

8. Thou shalt not worship false e-cliques, for that is the path to madness. The one true clique is the kingdom of Neg Jesus, to which all who confess their past simpery belong.

9. Thou shalt not be :umad: nor shall one bear false witness and say that someone else is :umad: unless they truly are.

10. Though shalt embody the three Coli virtues, live them daily, and mediatate on them daily - Sports, Hip-Hop, and Piff.

11. Thou shalt not pose as a woman on your account if you are not.

12. Thou shalt not expose, lest ye yourself have nothing to hide.

13. If thou be an attractive woman, thou shalt post pictures of yourself every Sabbath in the picture thread, without starting a new thread, for that would be harlotry for attention. Thou shalt honor this Sabbath and keep it holy.​

I must go now, brethren...but I prophesize that I will return on the day that the rep returns. Live these commandments, and the rep will return speedily. Confess your Coli sins, so that ye may emerge from the Negpocalypse with a clean heart and be worthy of the rep.

Use this thread to confess your past Coli sins. If ye have simped, ask for forgiveness. If ye have c00ned, ask for forgiveness. If ye have broken any of these commandments, you have but to ask and I will lay my benediction upon thee with my open palm, as you turn the other cheek.

In the name of bkthefather, the son, and the holy ghost, I bid thee farewell. Al Salaam Aleykum.
