The king of “America Bad” geopolitical analysis Noam Chomsky, likely on his way out.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
As I already said:

Take time out of your spamming to read the article, then respond to what he actually says about Russia in full.

Ill read it on the plane tomorrow or so...

in the mean time:

Was he taken out of context here?


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
Russia fired ballistic missiles at Kharkiv on Wednesday, damaging the office of a Swiss mine-clearing NGO, local officials said. Six people were injured when an industrial area was hit, said the Kharkiv mayor, Ihor Terekhov. Volodymyr Tymoshko, the Kharkiv police head, told the national broadcaster Suspilne that Russian forces used a “double-tap” attack to target rescuers who arrived after an initial strike. “It is a miracle that both the rescuers and the policemen left this object 10 minutes before the second strike,” he said, but other people nearby were injured.


Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Russia fired ballistic missiles at Kharkiv on Wednesday, damaging the office of a Swiss mine-clearing NGO, local officials said. Six people were injured when an industrial area was hit, said the Kharkiv mayor, Ihor Terekhov. Volodymyr Tymoshko, the Kharkiv police head, told the national broadcaster Suspilne that Russian forces used a “double-tap” attack to target rescuers who arrived after an initial strike. “It is a miracle that both the rescuers and the policemen left this object 10 minutes before the second strike,” he said, but other people nearby were injured.


The fact that you're spamming these incidents here while carrying completely different energy when such things happen in Israel is Chomsky's whole point.

You (and the US government) don't highlight incidents based on whether you think they're right or wrong. You highlight them based on whether you support the actors involved and their goals. If you think Russia is the bad guy, then you highlight all the bad things Russia does, if you think Israel is the good guy, then you downplay all the bad things Israel does even if some of them are worse than some of the things you've condemned Russia for. It makes your praise and condemnation cynical and worthless.



Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
The fact that you're spamming these incidents here while carrying completely different energy when such things happen in Israel is Chomsky's whole point.

You (and the US government) don't highlight incidents based on whether you think they're right or wrong. You highlight them based on whether you support the actors involved and their goals. If you think Russia is the bad guy, then you highlight all the bad things Russia does, if you think Israel is the good guy, then you downplay all the bad things Israel does even if some of them are worse than some of the things you've condemned Russia for. It makes your praise and condemnation cynical and worthless.
That isn't Chomskys point at all. Everyone knows Israel does bad things and that the US does bad things. They're covered extensively and accepted.

crickets on this of course however after months of attacking and mocking the victims

You know what's really cynical and worthless? Westerns who have access to information and the truth like Chomsky yet still the toe the line for people who are committing atrocities.
Last edited:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
That isn't Chomskys point at all.

That is 100% Chomsky's point. I quoted him saying that exact point at multiple times in this thread and it's literally been one of the central points of the last 50 years of his public life. But you don't want to acknowledge that because you can only run on made-up narratives. It's why the vast majority of your comments in this thread haven't even quoted Chomsky at all.

crickets on this of course however after months of attacking and mocking the victims

I haven't mocked and attacked the victims, my VERY first post on the incident was to immediately condemn Hamas. Chomsky hasn't attacked and mocked the victims either. So WTF are you talking about except more of your typical vague slander? One of your most classic M.O.'s has been to make these vague accusations against the "others" without even identifying or quoting what you're talking about, just throwing the accusation out into the ether and hoping it will stick.


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
I haven't mocked and attacked the victims, my VERY first post on the incident was to immediately condemn Hamas. Chomsky hasn't attacked and mocked the victims either. So WTF are you talking about except more of your typical vague slander? One of your most classic M.O.'s has been to make these vague accusations against the "others" without even identifying or quoting what you're talking about, just throwing the accusation out into the ether and hoping it will stick.

I didn't accuse you of anything. Chomsky isn't in a position to do much of anything conveniently. Maybe you aren't aware but Oct 7 has been widely celebrated and accounts of Hamas crimes on Oct 7 have been justified and or written off as attempts to besmirch the martyrs. Are you trying to gaslight me? Accounts of sexual violence and killing Israeli civilians were widely mocked as lies on all online platforms including hl, msm was widely mocked for reporting it, there's graffiti all over NY even lmao. I didn't just imagine all of this happening. You're taking this personally and shouldn't be.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I didn't accuse you of anything. Chomsky isn't in a position to do much of anything conveniently.

Then who the fukk were you talking about when you said:

crickets on this of course however after months of attacking and mocking the victims

Like I said, this has become your entire M.O. In conversation after conversation, you'll toss out extreme accusations against an unspecified target and then immediately hide your hands. It's pathetic behavior, and I think even your allies can see that it's not the sort of behavior someone would engage in if they had real accusations that they could make honestly.

You know what's really cynical and worthless? Westerns who have access to information and the truth like Chomsky yet still the toe the line for people who are committing atrocities.

Just saw this little edit. Again, WHO are you talking about here? Because I've never done that, and Chomsky's never done that, so who the fukk are you referring to?

Maybe you aren't aware but Oct 7 has been widely celebrated and accounts of Hamas crimes on Oct 7 have been justified and or written off as attempts to besmirch the martyrs. Are you trying to gaslight me? Accounts of sexual violence and killing Israeli civilians were widely mocked as lies on all online platforms including hl, msm was widely mocked for reporting it, there's graffiti all over NY even lmao. I didn't just imagine all of this happening.

Yes, across the world you can find every foul opinion. WTF does any of that have to do with Chomsky or me or US government narratives or this conversation? It's obvious who is doing the "gaslighting" here.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
BTW, talking about Chomsky's post-stroke sufferings as "conveniently" is some sick bullshyt. Besides the nastiness, it's a lie. Chomsky already called Putin's invasion of Ukraine: “the kind of war crime for which Nazis were hanged at Nuremberg, a crime of aggression comparable to the US invasion of Iraq and the Hitler-Stalin invasion of Poland.” So why would not being healthy enough to speak up at the moment be "convinient" for him?

I posted ACTUAL Chomsky content several times on the previous page. You didn't have a single response. Then you started trying to bury it with more shyt that has NOTHING to do with Chomsky, because you know dealing with his actual words is beyond you.

Maybe take Robinson's advice for once?


Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether

Doesn't matter how many emotional appeals you make, it won't change the fact that the USA killed around 20x as many civilians in Iraq as Russia has killed in Ukraine.

Chomsky said that the USA was even WORSE in Iraq than Russia has been in Ukraine. USA killed some 600k people or more, up to 200k civilians in direct deaths (not even counting secondary effects from disease and starvation and social collapse due to targeting their infrastructure from the very beginning), and that's despite Iraq not even offering a fraction of the resistance that Ukraine has offered. You and 88m3 keep posting INDIVIDUAL civilian deaths in Ukraine as if they're the worst thing in the world while ignoring hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths in Iraq as if they're just collateral damage.

Again, which is the exact point Chomsky was making. You are doing a fantastic job of proving his point regarding how America's propagandists operate.

By the way, we all know how much compassion you show towards Ukrainian deaths when you're not trying to "own Chomsky":

The US is getting everything it wants from the war. A United Europe directed squarely at opposing Russia and taking direction from America , a full rearmed Germany, more members in NATO, Russia involved in a quagmire it can’t decouple from, hell it even has Japan attending NATO meeting.

I mean it’s one thing to say Ukraines losing this conflict but to say America is losing :mjlol:

You don't give a flying fukk about Ukrainian casualties except when you can exploit them for your pro-America agenda.
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Mister Terrific

It’s in the name
May 24, 2022
Russia fired ballistic missiles at Kharkiv on Wednesday, damaging the office of a Swiss mine-clearing NGO, local officials said. Six people were injured when an industrial area was hit, said the Kharkiv mayor, Ihor Terekhov. Volodymyr Tymoshko, the Kharkiv police head, told the national broadcaster Suspilne that Russian forces used a “double-tap” attack to target rescuers who arrived after an initial strike. “It is a miracle that both the rescuers and the policemen left this object 10 minutes before the second strike,” he said, but other people nearby were injured.

This is what Chomsky and his vile vermin followers believe to be magnanimous Russian military performance.

They can’t argue with Chomskys claims that Russia was pushed into an invasion of Ukraine as there is not one bit of evidence that supports it.

Once again

Apparently the “U.S”. gave verbal “assurances” to Russia that the U.S. wouldn’t expand NATO. This is categorically false as no such agreement exists and has been denied by Russian leadership. As we know US foreign policy was changed from administration to administration so even if there was verbal communication to that extent it would mean very little over the course of 30 fukking years and 5 presidencies.This is besides the fact that no U.S. administration has expressed any willingness to admit Ukraine into NATO. However what does exist are several treaties with guaranteeing Ukrainian sovereignty.

What’s funny is Putin views these western traitors as useful idiots. He laughed in Tuckers face when he tried to give the same justification for Putin’s war. Putin was like “nah, Ukraine is Russia that’s the reason” and brought out a history book. I would love Putin to debate Chomsky or what’s left of him.

I’ve seen Chomsky challenged on these points and like when he is challenged on his Serbian genocide denial he gets frustrated, acts like a baby and ends the interview.

That’s why he must draw parallels between the Ukraine war and Iraq war even though nobody has used Iraq as a just war as an argument. It’s pure whataboutism of the feeble minded who lack and argument as to why the U.S. and Europe shouldn’t intervene to protect Ukraine. Even if it’s selfish interests it is still the morally correct position to take. Pretty everyone agrees Bush is a war criminal and his entire cabinet were criminals. What does that have to do with the Russian invasion of 2022?

The numerous claims he makes in this article I honestly have to go from questioning his integrity (we know he has none since to the days of his defense of pol pot)to his declining mental state.

He claims “Baghdad was unliveable”

The battle of Baghdad by capture of capital cities was relatively bloodless

6 day battle with most of the damage caused by looting.

Compare that to Mariupol which Human Roghts watch estimates 11,000 dead with just an analysis of mass graves alone and they believe the actual death toll stretching into the tens of thousands.

That’s one city in Ukraine. How many died in Severdonetsk, Bahkmut, Adiivka, and the multitudes of cities the Russians rolled through during the initial invasion.

This abject buffoon took the initial estimates in the opening days of the invasion to try and claim Russia was acting humanely. It took years for the true death toll of the Iraq war to be known. Of course that deaths were mostly tribal and religious civil war caused and not US soldiers going door to door and gunning down Iraqi civilians. We won’t haggle over that as it would be just as wrong due to the excess deaths the Russian invasion of Ukraine will inevitably cause.

Also the buffoon claims that Russia could just level Kyiv. A metropolis of millions as if that sort of ordinance exists besides what would inevitably lead to world war 3. He has no knowledge of military capabilities as to why he seems to think the U.S. needs Ukraine to threaten Russian when America has Ohio class subs with the capability to end any country in the world from the artic circle. As if the US needs to position missiles in Europe like it’s 1960 when we have inter continental missiles with ranges of thousands of miles.

Honestly, the only people I’ve come across that have done this much haggling and whataboutism about death tolls and past war crime comparisons are Holocaust deniers unsurprisingly. Their argumentative styles are a lot alike.