The issue of race in France


Double Poney Swag
Oct 18, 2017
94, France
interesting take

i went to paris first time last year and never heard the noir thing till i got there, just something i never came across, even had a black french teacher back in the days

Most of the time, we use "renoi". It means "noir" but backwards. "Verlan" is a slang for words in backwards. It's a slang we use most of the time.


Knicks: 93 til infinity
May 3, 2012
Brussels, Belgium
interesting take

i went to paris first time last year and never heard the noir thing till i got there, just something i never came across, even had a black french teacher back in the days

People are really fed up with being called "Black" because it's part of the french mentality in which everything linked to racial issues is American, since in France "we don't see colour" and "racism isn't that bad" and all that bs. Even now with the whole movement against police brutality people are saying that the movement has been "imported" from the US and that France doesn't have the same issues. While numerous black (and arab) men have been killed by police here and the fight for justice for Adama Traoré has been going strong for 4 years, among other movements. So the black issue is very much a french issue too, despite the verbal linguistics.

Brehs even created these t-shirts (it means "Black (in french), not Black (in english)"


Secure Da Bag

Dec 20, 2017
People are really fed up with being called "Black" because it's part of the french mentality in which everything linked to racial issues is American, since in France "we don't see colour" and "racism isn't that bad" and all that bs. Even now with the whole movement against police brutality people are saying that the movement has been "imported" from the US and that France doesn't have the same issues. While numerous black (and arab) men have been killed by police here and the fight for justice for Adama Traoré has been going strong for 4 years, among other movements. So the black issue is very much a french issue too, despite the verbal linguistics.

Brehs even created these t-shirts (it means "Black (in french), not Black (in english)"


Image doesn't show, breh.


Gor bu dëgër
Jun 5, 2018
No such thing as 'race', say French lawmakers

France replaced the word “race” with “sex” in its constitution

France replaced the word “race” with “sex” in its constitution
French officials have long disparaged the concept of race. Now, it’s no longer in the French constitution.

French MPs on both the left and the right on Wednesday voted to remove the word “race” from the constitution. They argued that since race is a made-up social construct, it doesn’t exist and the word should therefore be taken out.

The MPs replaced “race” with the word “sex.” The new draft of the constitution now states that citizens are equal before the law “regardless of sex, origin or religion.”

The word “race” was first added to France’s post-war constitution in 1946 as a powerful rebuke of the racist ideology propagated by the Nazis and the collaborationist French regime. It was kept in 1958, when the constitution was updated, but politicians have long been campaigning to remove it. During his 2012 election campaign, former president Francois Hollande said “there are no different races,” adding that the word “has no place in the Republic.”

Racial categories that are commonplace in the US and UK—such as white, black, and Asian—don’t officially exist in France. (In fact, those categories are absent from much of Europe, where racial statistics have long been associated with Nazi Germany.) This means that the French government doesn’t keep track of the racial mix of schools, universities, and workplaces. The logic is simple: to avoid racism, avoid categorizing people by race and instead treat everyone equally.

When the issue of collecting racial statistics came up in France in 2007, many academics signed a letter of protest stating:

Ethnic statistics would have the effect of bringing in the notion of ‘race’—whose non-scientific character and danger are well-known by all—and to foster inter-community conflicts.

However, critics suggest these lofty principles keep the government ignorant of the extent of racial discrimination in the country.

When the Republic becomes Orwellian, and pretends its values shape reality while conveniently ignoring cries from its citizens.


Sep 23, 2015

Here's a report on the situation of racism in France ( that I shamelessly took from another forum, but it's interesting :pachaha: ). The important part is translated below.

  • Racism in general

The good:
- 80% of the people surveyed declared themselves not to not really racist (only 5% declare themselves as quite racist, 15% a little).
- 69% think immigrants are a source of cultural enrichment
- 85% think that immigrant workers need to be considered at home in France since they contribute to the economy
- 78% think a vigorous fight against racism is necessary
- 72% think anyone can succeed in France regardless of their skin color

The bad:
- 50% think that there is too many immigrants today in France (45% don't think so, 5% don't know)
- 50% believe France need to stay a "Christian country" (41% against)
- 44% think Islam is a threat to France's identity (52% against)
- 57% think many immigrants come to France for the social security
- 43% think they don't feel as at home as before in France

Index of the most accepted groups in France:
- 79 points: Black people
- 77 points: Jewish people
- 73 points: Arab people
- 61 points: Islam/Muslims
- 35 points: Travelling people

  • Racism towards Black people
The good:
- 57% think we don't talk enough about slavery (34% against)
- 1,5% think Black people form a separate group in French society, 39% believe that they form a group open to others, 41% that they don't really form a group
- 93% think it's severe to refuse to hire a Black person for a job they're qualified for
- 76% think it's severe to be against the marriage of one of their children to a Black person (21% don't think it's severe)

The bad:
- 32% of reported racist attacks (1137 threats and actions) targeted Black people in 2018, followed by 31% for Arabs and 28% that didn't target anyone in particular
- In another report, 80% of Black and Arab young men declare that they have been controlled by cops in the past 5 years, 40% of Black people in general (against 16% for the entire population).
- In the same report, it's said that they found out in a test that a resume with a neutral French name (Sébastien Petit) will receive 13% of positive answers vs 9,5% for an African-sounding name (Désiré Sambou) so 33% less positive answers.

  • Racism towards other POC/religions
Roma people:
- Roma people are the most stigmatized group in France
- 63% think Roma people exploit children very often
- 52% think that they live mainly from theft and trafficking
- 52% think they don't want to integrate into French society
- 63% think French Roma people are French people like any other

- 59% think that wearing niqab/jilbab/burqa is incompatible with French society (42% for the hijab)
- 81% think we should make sure Muslims can practise their faith in good conditions
- 80% think Muslims are French people like any other
- 38% think Muslims form a separate group in French society

- 71% think it's severe to be against the marriage of one of their children to an Arab person
- 93% think it's severe to refuse to hire an Arab person for a job they're qualified for

- 36% think Jewish people have a special attitude towards money
- 33% think that for French Jewish people Israel is more important than France
- 73% think it's necessary to fight vigourously against antisemitism
- 89% think Jewish French people are French people like any other

Asians/Chinese people:
- 36% think that Chinese people are a separate group in French society
- 77% think Asian people are very hard-working (however the author notes that there is a lot of underlying jealousy)
- Racist verbal attacks are more tolerated against Asian people, only Roma surpass them in that field

  • French society
- 34% think human races don't exist, 55% that all races are equal, 9% that some races are superior to others
- 84% think that it's necessary for foreigners who come to live in France to adopt French lifestyle habits
- 72% think securalism is a good thing (7% think it's not)
- 42% think that people from an immigrant background don't give themselves the means to integrate, 28% think that French society doesn't give them the means to integrate, 26% think it's neither/have no opinion
- Racist people are more present in older aged groups and low educational level groups

- 41% have a negative opinion of the USA, 31% a positive opinion, 25% are neutral


Gor bu dëgër
Jun 5, 2018

Here's a report on the situation of racism in France ( that I shamelessly took from another forum, but it's interesting :pachaha: ). The important part is translated below.

  • Racism in general

The good:
- 80% of the people surveyed declared themselves not to not really racist (only 5% declare themselves as quite racist, 15% a little).
- 69% think immigrants are a source of cultural enrichment
- 85% think that immigrant workers need to be considered at home in France since they contribute to the economy
- 78% think a vigorous fight against racism is necessary
- 72% think anyone can succeed in France regardless of their skin color

The bad:
- 50% think that there is too many immigrants today in France (45% don't think so, 5% don't know)
- 50% believe France need to stay a "Christian country" (41% against)
- 44% think Islam is a threat to France's identity (52% against)
- 57% think many immigrants come to France for the social security
- 43% think they don't feel as at home as before in France

Index of the most accepted groups in France:
- 79 points: Black people
- 77 points: Jewish people
- 73 points: Arab people
- 61 points: Islam/Muslims
- 35 points: Travelling people

  • Racism towards Black people
The good:
- 57% think we don't talk enough about slavery (34% against)
- 1,5% think Black people form a separate group in French society, 39% believe that they form a group open to others, 41% that they don't really form a group
- 93% think it's severe to refuse to hire a Black person for a job they're qualified for
- 76% think it's severe to be against the marriage of one of their children to a Black person (21% don't think it's severe)

The bad:
- 32% of reported racist attacks (1137 threats and actions) targeted Black people in 2018, followed by 31% for Arabs and 28% that didn't target anyone in particular
- In another report, 80% of Black and Arab young men declare that they have been controlled by cops in the past 5 years, 40% of Black people in general (against 16% for the entire population).
- In the same report, it's said that they found out in a test that a resume with a neutral French name (Sébastien Petit) will receive 13% of positive answers vs 9,5% for an African-sounding name (Désiré Sambou) so 33% less positive answers.

  • Racism towards other POC/religions
Roma people:
- Roma people are the most stigmatized group in France
- 63% think Roma people exploit children very often
- 52% think that they live mainly from theft and trafficking
- 52% think they don't want to integrate into French society
- 63% think French Roma people are French people like any other

- 59% think that wearing niqab/jilbab/burqa is incompatible with French society (42% for the hijab)
- 81% think we should make sure Muslims can practise their faith in good conditions
- 80% think Muslims are French people like any other
- 38% think Muslims form a separate group in French society

- 71% think it's severe to be against the marriage of one of their children to an Arab person
- 93% think it's severe to refuse to hire an Arab person for a job they're qualified for

- 36% think Jewish people have a special attitude towards money
- 33% think that for French Jewish people Israel is more important than France
- 73% think it's necessary to fight vigourously against antisemitism
- 89% think Jewish French people are French people like any other

Asians/Chinese people:
- 36% think that Chinese people are a separate group in French society
- 77% think Asian people are very hard-working (however the author notes that there is a lot of underlying jealousy)
- Racist verbal attacks are more tolerated against Asian people, only Roma surpass them in that field

  • French society
- 34% think human races don't exist, 55% that all races are equal, 9% that some races are superior to others
- 84% think that it's necessary for foreigners who come to live in France to adopt French lifestyle habits
- 72% think securalism is a good thing (7% think it's not)
- 42% think that people from an immigrant background don't give themselves the means to integrate, 28% think that French society doesn't give them the means to integrate, 26% think it's neither/have no opinion
- Racist people are more present in older aged groups and low educational level groups

- 41% have a negative opinion of the USA, 31% a positive opinion, 25% are neutral
Lol... Next they're going to ask abusive husbands whether they think they're mean to their wives... Then ask police officers what they think about police brutality and racism in the task forces...
I wonder what the US poll looks like and how different it is from the French, so as to see if Americans are really as backwards as our froggies claim. Since now, polls are solid evidence in the context of racism.

As long as France will refuse to let people operate ethnic/racial statistical studies, fools' games like these polls will continue to occupy the central space of data-based discussions on racism in the country, pulling in their gravitational field where mirages and delusions reign, numbers-focused discourses about racism.

Just legalize it. So we can talk about negrophobia in job access, career perspectives, housing, health, and the rest. The important stuff.
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Sep 14, 2019
I’ve said this before but you can’t apply American racial politics to other countries. The way black was constructed in America was unique from every other new world country with slaves.

Obviously anecdotal but when I’ve been to France a lot of the black dudes identified a lot with their parents countries Congo, Mali, Senegal, the Caribbean etc.

Senegalese seemed like the most integrated from what I saw.


Knicks: 93 til infinity
May 3, 2012
Brussels, Belgium
I’ve said this before but you can’t apply American racial politics to other countries. The way black was constructed in America was unique from every other new world country with slaves.

Obviously anecdotal but when I’ve been to France a lot of the black dudes identified a lot with their parents countries Congo, Mali, Senegal, the Caribbean etc.

Senegalese seemed like the most integrated from what I saw.

Facts, but the basis of it (white supremacism) is the same, it's it's manifestation that is different. People tend to forget that France had colonies in what ended up being the US, so they are historically linked. But obviously there was no slavery/segregation in mainland France. And the main difference is that the vast majority of Black people in France (and in Europe) have some form of link with their country of origin (or region, in the case of the Caribbean), as opposed to Blacks in the Americas.


Sep 14, 2019
Facts, but the basis of it (white supremacism) is the same, it's it's manifestation that is different. People tend to forget that France had colonies in what ended up being the US, so they are historically linked. But obviously there was no slavery/segregation in mainland France. And the main difference is that the vast majority of Black people in France (and in Europe) have some form of link with their country of origin (or region, in the case of the Caribbean), as opposed to Blacks in the Americas.

The French were very big on assimilation I.e. Africans becoming Frenchman. Do you think most blacks in France see themselves as Frenchman?

I find it interesting because the Anglos were very much about keeping blacks separate.