Here's a report on the situation of racism in France ( that I shamelessly took from another forum, but it's interesting
). The important part is translated below.
The good:
- 80% of the people surveyed declared themselves not to not really racist (only 5% declare themselves as quite racist, 15% a little).
- 69% think immigrants are a source of cultural enrichment
- 85% think that immigrant workers need to be considered at home in France since they contribute to the economy
- 78% think a vigorous fight against racism is necessary
- 72% think anyone can succeed in France regardless of their skin color
The bad:
- 50% think that there is too many immigrants today in France (45% don't think so, 5% don't know)
- 50% believe France need to stay a "Christian country" (41% against)
- 44% think Islam is a threat to France's identity (52% against)
- 57% think many immigrants come to France for the social security
- 43% think they don't feel as at home as before in France
Index of the most accepted groups in France:
- 79 points: Black people
- 77 points: Jewish people
- 73 points: Arab people
- 61 points: Islam/Muslims
- 35 points: Travelling people
- Racism towards Black people
The good:
- 57% think we don't talk enough about slavery (34% against)
- 1,5% think Black people form a separate group in French society, 39% believe that they form a group open to others, 41% that they don't really form a group
- 93% think it's severe to refuse to hire a Black person for a job they're qualified for
- 76% think it's severe to be against the marriage of one of their children to a Black person (21% don't think it's severe)
The bad:
- 32% of reported racist attacks (1137 threats and actions) targeted Black people in 2018, followed by 31% for Arabs and 28% that didn't target anyone in particular
- In
another report, 80% of Black and Arab young men declare that they have been controlled by cops in the past 5 years, 40% of Black people in general (against 16% for the entire population).
- In the same report, it's said that they found out in a test that a resume with a neutral French name (Sébastien Petit) will receive 13% of positive answers vs 9,5% for an African-sounding name (Désiré Sambou) so 33% less positive answers.
- Racism towards other POC/religions
Roma people:
- Roma people are the most stigmatized group in France
- 63% think Roma people exploit children very often
- 52% think that they live mainly from theft and trafficking
- 52% think they don't want to integrate into French society
- 63% think French Roma people are French people like any other
- 59% think that wearing niqab/jilbab/burqa is incompatible with French society (42% for the hijab)
- 81% think we should make sure Muslims can practise their faith in good conditions
- 80% think Muslims are French people like any other
- 38% think Muslims form a separate group in French society
- 71% think it's severe to be against the marriage of one of their children to an Arab person
- 93% think it's severe to refuse to hire an Arab person for a job they're qualified for
- 36% think Jewish people have a special attitude towards money
- 33% think that for French Jewish people Israel is more important than France
- 73% think it's necessary to fight vigourously against antisemitism
- 89% think Jewish French people are French people like any other
Asians/Chinese people:
- 36% think that Chinese people are a separate group in French society
- 77% think Asian people are very hard-working (however the author notes that there is a lot of underlying jealousy)
- Racist verbal attacks are more tolerated against Asian people, only Roma surpass them in that field
- 34% think human races don't exist, 55% that all races are equal, 9% that some races are superior to others
- 84% think that it's necessary for foreigners who come to live in France to adopt French lifestyle habits
- 72% think securalism is a good thing (7% think it's not)
- 42% think that people from an immigrant background don't give themselves the means to integrate, 28% think that French society doesn't give them the means to integrate, 26% think it's neither/have no opinion
- Racist people are more present in older aged groups and low educational level groups
- 41% have a negative opinion of the USA, 31% a positive opinion, 25% are neutral