Catherine Obianuju Acholonu & Erich Fred Legner
Warning: Long Read
Part 1
A researcher analyzing the sounds in languages spoken around the world has detected an ancient signal that points to southern Africa (meaning Sub-Sahara) as the place where modern human language originated. The finding fits well with the evidence from fossil skulls and DNA that modern humans originated in Africa. The detection of such an ancient signal in language is surprising. Because words change so rapidly, many linguists think that languages cannot be traced very far back in time. The oldest language tree so far reconstructed, that of the Indo-European family, which includes English, goes back 9,000 years at most.
Quentin D. Atkinson, a biologist at the University of Auckland in New Zealand, has shattered this time barrier, if his claim is correct, by looking not at words but at phonemes — the consonants, vowels and tones are the simplest elements of language. Dr. Atkinson, an expert at applying mathematical methods to linguistics, has found a simple but striking pattern in some 500 languages spoken throughout the world: A language area uses fewer phonemes the farther that early humans had to travel from Africa to reach it.
Some of the click-using languages of Africa have more than 100 phonemes, whereas Hawaiian, toward the far end of the human migration route out of Africa, has only 13. English has about 45 phonemes. This pattern of decreasing diversity with distance, similar to the well-established decrease in genetic diversity with distance from Africa, implies that the origin of modern human language is in the region of southwestern Africa, Dr. Atkinson says in an article published on Thursday in the journal Science.
Language is at least 50,000 years old, and the time that modern humans dispersed from Africa, and some experts say it is at least 100,000 years old. Dr. Atkinson. If his work is correct, he is picking up a distant echo from this far back in time….Dr. Atkinson is one of several biologists who have started applying to historical linguistics the sophisticated statistical methods developed for constructing genetic trees based on DNA sequences. Some linguists have regarded these efforts with suspicion.
In 2003 Dr. Atkinson and Russell Gray, another biologist at the University of Auckland, reconstructed the tree of Indo-European languages with a DNA tree-drawing method called Bayesian phylogeny. The tree indicated that Indo-European was much older than historical linguists had estimated and hence favored the theory that the language family had diversified with the spread of agriculture some 10,000 years ago, and not with a military invasion by steppe people some 6,000 years ago, the idea favored by most historical linguists. Dr. Atkinson’s finding fits with other evidence about the origins of language. The Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert belong to one of the earliest branches of the genetic tree based on human mitochondrial DNA. Their languages belong to a family known as Khoisan and include many click sounds, which seem to be a very ancient feature of language. They live in southern Africa, which Dr. Atkinson’s calculations point to as the origin of language. But whether Khoisan is closest to some ancestral form of language “is not something my method can speak to,” Dr. Atkinson said.
A recent finding that the number of phonemes in a language increases with the number of people who speak it prompted his study. This gave him the idea that phoneme diversity would increase as a population grew, but would fall again when a small group split off and migrated away from the parent group. Such a continual budding process, which is the way the first modern humans expanded around the world, is known to produce what biologists call a serial founder effect. Each time a smaller group moves away, there is a reduction in its genetic diversity. The reduction in phonemic diversity over increasing distances from Africa, as seen by Dr. Atkinson, parallels the reduction in genetic diversity already recorded by biologists. For either kind of reduction in diversity to occur, the population budding process must be rapid, or diversity will build up again. This implies that the human expansion out of Africa was very rapid at each stage. The acquisition of modern language, or the technology it made possible, may have prompted the expansion, Dr. Atkinson said.
What is so remarkable about this work is that it shows language doesn’t change all that fast, rather it retains a signal of its ancestry over tens of thousands of years,” said Mark Pagel, a biologist at the University of Reading in England who advised Dr. Atkinson. Dr. Pagel sees language as central to human expansion across the globe. “Language was our secret weapon, and as soon as we got language we became a really dangerous species,” he said.
In several recent articles presented by the Catherine Acholonu Research Center at various Fora including the 2011 Igbo Studies Association Conference, Howard University, Washington DC, USA; the 2010 World Igbo Congress, Philadelphia, USA and a recent lecture at the African Studies Center, University of Nigeria, Dr. Acholonu has continued to emphasize the thesis of an Igbo origin of language, argued most convincingly in volumes 2 and 3 of the African Adam Trilogy: They Lived Before Adam: Pre-historic Origins of the Igbo, The Never Been Ruled (2009) and The Lost Testament of the Ancestors of Adam: Unearthing Heliopolis/Igbo Ukwu – The Celestial City of the Gods of Egypt and Dravidian India (2010).
This recent article in New York Times, by Nicholas Wade ex-raying new research findings that use mathematical methods of biological DNA analyses to analyze phoneme frequencies (frequencies of sounds and tones of vowels and consonants) as they occur in various distant languages of the world to determine language origins, has not only lend much weight to our own conclusions, but it has made the Igbo language and cultural area a subject for international linguistic and historical discourse.
The conclusion by the Atkinson research team that language originated in the Western part of Sub-Saharan Africa supports our own thesis of an Igbo origin of languages because Igbo language is based in the Western part of Sub-Saharan Africa. Also the conclusion that this ancient mother-language left Africa during the earliest ‘Out of Africa’ migrations is the same as our own conclusions that Homo Erectus left Africa with a Language and a Culture intact, and not, as animal-like ‘primitive man’. Our thesis that the San (Khoisan) Bushmen of the Kalahari were among the earliest carriers of this Proto-Proto-Igbo mother tongue, was also confirmed in the Atkinson research findings.
Therefore, Igbo scholars worldwide ought to seize upon this added scientific evidence provided by Dr. Atkinson’s research[1] to bring global research interest/funding to Igbo studies to save it from extinction and to restore its pride of place as the mother language of humankind. This will have powerful ripple effects on the study and development of Igbo culture, Igbo identity and on the restoration of the soul-essence of Igbo civilization as the mother of world civilizations, for as Dr. Mark Pegel, a biologist at the university of Reading, England, argues (see above), “language is central to human expansion across the globe” and as such central to human civilization.
Our claims to an Igbo origin of language, culture and civilization are not based on spoken language alone, but on the equally compelling fact that among the archaeological discoveries at Igbo Ukwu by British archaeologist Thurstan Shaw, were several inscriptions on pottery and bronze, which when compared with ancient Middle Eastern inscriptions (Egyptian and Cretan Hieroglyphics, Hittite, Old Phoenician, Old Sumerian, Proto-Palestinian, etc)[2] show several striking similarities. This shows that there was a civilization of note, based in Igbo land, now lost, which might have birthed the Middle Eastern civilizations and writing systems, but also their spoken languages.
Equally compelling is the discovery of an Early, Middle and Late Stone Age Homo Erectus (the ancestor of Homo Sapiens Sapiens or Modern Man) habitation in Ugwuele, Isuikwuato, Abia State in Igbo land in the early seventies by a team of archaeologists from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka[3]. This adds tons of weight to an Igbo origin of the ‘Out of Africa’ migrations of Early Man; but to also an Igbo origin of human language and culture; while the Igbo Ukwu inscriptions backed up by the mythologies and written records of the Egyptians, Sumerians, Dravidians, Hebrews and Kwa peoples of Nigeria lend credence to a Post-Deluge Kwa-Igbo origin of civilization[4].
Dr Pegel noted[5], most interestingly, that “What’s so remarkable about this (Atkinson’s) work is that it shows language doesn’t change all that fast — it retains a signal of its ancestry over tens of thousands of years”. We wish to demonstrate how signals of Igbo language has been retained in some of the most ancient as well as the most modern languages (and cultures) of the world, proving without any shadow of doubt that the Igbo was the mother of languages such as Sanskrit, Egyptian, Sumerian, English and Semitic languages[6], or at least that Igbo is the longest surviving child of a global mother language spoken by gods and men alike.
Linguists believe that when words from two or more separate languages share similarities in sound and meaning, it is a sign of borrowing or common origin.[7] Using this method, hundreds of words have been found of similar sounds and meanings with those of Igbo language across several languages of the globe, showing, indeed that signals of the mother language are retained “through tens of thousands of years”. In fact there is over-weighing evidence in the Adam Trilogy[8] that every language retains traces of cultural and historical experiences it has lived through in the course of millennia. There are even several traces that Igbo was the language spoken by God when he ‘spoke’ creation into being and that it was the language spoken by the first Homo sapiens family – Adam’s.[9]
Here are listed words from diverse ancient and modern languages that have retained Igbo signals in the form of common sounds and meanings with the mother language, and in some cases, powerful evidence of having originated in an Igbo cultural environment.