Poetical Poltergeist
Precise and cold hearted
So this one underperformed for a hunger games movie? Hopefully these type of films go away but I won't hold my breath.
The Good:
Action scenes were good, Donald Sutherland continues to be awesome as Pres. Snow
The Bad:
The ending was a clunky mess
The Pres. Coin stuff was well done at all
Josh Hutcherson was horrible and had negative romantic chemistry with Jennifer Lawrence
The Good:
Action scenes were good, Donald Sutherland continues to be awesome as Pres. Snow
The Bad:
The ending was a clunky mess
The Pres. Coin stuff was well done at all
Josh Hutcherson was horrible and had negative romantic chemistry with Jennifer Lawrence
The end of the war wasn't the ending of the movie though. the ending of the movie was scene after scene of Katniss moping around her shytty house and then having Peeta show up for the most platonic romantic reunion I ever saw on film.People said the ending was a mess....but what does that mean...like it's war, the whole point of the book/movie's end is to show there is no neat bow-tie ending.
The end of the war wasn't the ending of the movie though. the ending of the movie was scene after scene of Katniss moping around her shytty house and then having Peeta show up for the most platonic romantic reunion I ever saw on film.
The problems with the way the war ended were all due to neither this movie or the previous one ever taking the time to allow the audience to see Coin as anything more than a mostly minor character with murky motivation.
Loved it. Lived up to the book, which was my favorite. I don't expect it to receive a lot of love. It was pretty dark and made a lot of lovable people either die or complicated. But I'm satisfied.
Two thumbs up.
You really liked the book? I though t that it as horrible. Damn near everything happened off-page and she heard about it later. Then it was her doing the propos. I do however think that they did a good job turning a boring book into 2 entertaining movies. But if they changed so much, they could've incorporated the other characters,
Books were flames broBoring book? LOL. What.......the action scenes were crazy - they were siccing hybrid mutts, poisoned oil, machine gun fire, and explosions on the rebels- and she was directly involved in most of that because she was new commanding officer in charge of the mission into The Capitol. She watched children get bombed and her sister blow up. She caught fire and started burning alive, and she assassinated the new president. Now what book are you talking about?
Books were flames bro
Movie was dope too
I would have liked to see peeta and katniss kiss more and be more affect too nate on screen to make their love more believable. . However...it was believable in the book imo