'The Hunger Games' Gay Agenda...


All Star
May 2, 2012
more money
Ignoring how you fail to explain why discriminating based on skin color, are laws forbidding interracial dating wrong? If you can define "gay", something immaterial and internal, as a fetish you can most definitely define "skin color", something external and superficial, as a fetish. st0rmfr0nt type dudes been complaining about the media pushing interracial relationships for decades.


Skin colour is more than just "external and superficial", it is a clearly deductible phenotype with a genotypical origin that can be verified via scientific method. On the other hand "homosexuality", like any other abnormal sexuality (such as bestiality), has no clear biological origin.

For example; a scientist can look at someones genome and determine their skin color, but they cant look at someones genome and determine their sexuality.

Homosexuality and race are obviously entirely different so stop comparing the two (especially their struggles), i know yall are probably white or whatever, but please try and understand that the sht is mad disrespectful and stupid.


May 1, 2012
The promotion and glorification of homosex is white culture. Thats why a cac ran the society in hunger games. Most mn around the world of all ra es are disgusted by fakkits but for some reasom the european and people he integrates with mbrace it. Its so demonic.

You are thinking way too hard about the hunger games it's not some hollywood western liberalism to make you accept homosexuality. The hunger games are based on a novel written by a woman, and she decides to put colorful characters in her book whether homosexual or not to accentuate a dystopian future that she envisions in HER mind.

Jesus christ just leave it at that and either enjoy the movie or not.

I find it weird how you people focus on whether there are homosexual characters when the main romance is a heterosexual love triangle.
May 2, 2012
I am NOT a sex offender

Skin colour is more than just "external and superficial", it is a clearly deductible phenotype with a genotypical origin that can be verified via scientific method. On the other hand "homosexuality", like any other abnormal sexuality (such as bestiality), has no clear biological origin.

For example; a scientist can look at someones genome and determine their skin color, but they cant look at someones genome and determine their sexuality.

Homosexuality and race are obviously entirely different so stop comparing the two (especially their struggles), i know yall are probably white or whatever, but please try and understand that the sht is mad disrespectful and stupid.
Actually, what I think he's saying when he says skin color is “external and superficial” is a comparison of the preference or attraction to another race besides your own to having the attraction to members of the same sex. So the poster he quoted stated that discrimination based on sexual fetish isn't wrong. What fillerguy is asking is if laws that discriminate against interracial relationships are wrong because those who are against interracial relationships could simply define someone's attraction to a member of another race as a “fetish”.

At least that's how I interpreted what he's saying.


May 1, 2012
You are thinking way too hard about the hunger games it's not some hollywood western liberalism to make you accept homosexuality. The hunger games are based on a novel written by a woman, and she decides to put colorful characters in her book whether homosexual or not to accentuate a dystopian future that she envisions in HER mind.

Jesus christ just leave it at that and either enjoy the movie or not.

I find it weird how you people focus on whether there are homosexual characters when the main romance is a heterosexual love triangle.

Hollywood is often times demonic proohecy qnd imitates the life we live on a more or less exxagerated scale.


May 5, 2012
North Jersey

Skin colour is more than just "external and superficial", it is a clearly deductible phenotype with a genotypical origin that can be verified via scientific method. On the other hand "homosexuality", like any other abnormal sexuality (such as bestiality), has no clear biological origin.
Phenotype this the very definition of superficiality as it pertains to biology. External characteristics make the difference between an organism's phenotype and genotype. And I wasnt even talking about biology. If you're using biology as a basis for correct Human behavior, modern society is pointless.
For example; a scientist can look at someones genome and determine their skin color, but they cant look at someones genome and determine their sexuality.
You need to reread the difference between phenotype and genome type. Then theres the fact that half Black offspring sometimes come out looking like an Hitler's wet dream or how Black families occasionally give birth to white skin babies. As for sexuality being genetic, the evidence supporting this isnt conclusive but its overwhelming compared to the "homosexuality is learned" hypothesis.
Homosexuality and race are obviously entirely different so stop comparing the two (especially their struggles), i know yall are probably white or whatever, but please try and understand that the sht is mad disrespectful and stupid.

You couldve started off your post with this to save me any trouble of replying. You dont have any arguments. If I was a basic nikka I would be offended but I know you too ignorant to know any better.

No one is saying Race = Sexuality. No one is saying they are the same. When some compares Black struggles to Gay struggles, they are highlighting the methods of discrimination that have been used against these groups. Its the same. Huey agreed:
Looking Back at Huey Newton’s Thoughts on Gay Rights…In the Wake of Obama’s Endorsement « Davey D's Hip Hop Corner-(The Blog)

During the past few years strong movements have developed among women and among homosexuals seeking their liberation. There has been some
uncertainty about how to relate to these movements.

Whatever your personal opinions and your insecurities about
homosexuality and the various liberation movements among homosexuals
and women (and I speak of the homosexuals and women as oppressed
groups), we should try to unite with them in a revolutionary fashion.
I say ” whatever your insecurities are” because as we very well know,
sometimes our first instinct is to want to hit a homosexual in the
mouth, and want a woman to be quiet. We want to hit a homosexual in
the mouth because we are afraid that we might be homosexual; and we
want to hit the women or shut her up because we are afraid that she
might castrate us, or take the nuts that we might not have to start

We must gain security in ourselves and therefore have respect and
feelings for all oppressed people. We must not use the racist attitude
that the White racists use against our people because they are Black
and poor. Many times the poorest White person is the most racist
because he is afraid that he might lose something, or discover
something that he does not have. So you’re some kind of a threat to
him. This kind of psychology is in operation when we view oppressed
people and we are angry with them because of their particular kind of
behavior, or their particular kind of deviation from the established

Remember, we have not established a revolutionary value system; we are
only in the process of establishing it. I do not remember our ever
constituting any value that said that a revolutionary must say
offensive things towards homosexuals, or that a revolutionary should
make sure that women do not speak out about their own particular kind
of oppression. As a matter of fact, it is just the opposite: we say
that we recognize the women’s right to be free. We have not said much
about the homosexual at all, but we must relate to the homosexual
movement because it is a real thing. And I know through reading, and
through my life experience and observations that homosexuals are not
given freedom and liberty by anyone in the society. They might be the
most oppresed people in the society.

And what made them homosexual? Perhaps it’s a phenomenon that I don’t
understand entirely. Some people say that it is the decadence of
capitalism. I don’t know if that is the case; I rather doubt it. But
whatever the case is, we know that homosexuality is a fact that
exists, and we must understand it in its purest form: that is, a
person should have the freedom to use his body in whatever way he

That is not endorsing things in homosexuality that we wouldn’t view as
revolutionary. But there is nothing to say that a homosexual cannot
also be a revolutionary. And maybe I’m now injecting some of my
prejudice by saying that “even a homosexual can be a revolutionary.”
Quite the contrary, maybe a homosexual could be the most

When we have revolutionary conferences, rallies, and demonstrations,
there should be full participation of the gay liberation movement and
the women’s liberation movement. Some groups might be more
revolutionary than others. We should not use the actions of a few to
say that they are all reactionary or counterrevolutionary, because
they are not.

We should deal with the factions just as we deal with any other group
or party that claims to be revolutionary. We should try to judge,
somehow, whether they are operating in a sincere revolutionary fashion
and from a really oppressed situation. (And we will grant that if they
are women they are probably oppressed.) If they do things that are
unrevolutionary or counterrevolutionary, then criticize that action.
If we feel that the group in spirit means to be revolutionary in
practice, but they make mistakes in interpretation of the
revolutionary philosophy, or they do not understand the dialectics of
the social forces in operation, we should criticize that and not
criticize them because they are women trying to be free. And the same
is true for homosexuals. We should never say a whole movement is
dishonest when in fact they are trying to be honest. They are just
making honest mistakes. Friends are allowed to make mistakes. The
enemy is not allowed to make mistakes because his whole existence is a
mistake, and we suffer from it. But the women’s liberation front and
gay liberation front are our friends, they are our potential allies,
and we need as many allies as possible.

We should be willing to discuss the insecurities that many people have
about homosexuality. When I say “insecurities,” I mean the fear that
they are some kind of threat to our manhood. I can understand this
fear. Because of the long conditioning process which builds insecurity
in the American male, homosexuality might produce certain hang-ups in
us. I have hang-ups myself about male homosexuality. But on the other
hand, I have no hang-up about female homosexuality. And that is a
phenomenon in itself. I think it is probably because male
homosexuality is a threat to me and female homosexuality is not

We should be careful about using those terms that might turn our
friends off. The terms “fakkit” and “punk” should be deleted from our
vocabulary, and especially we should not attach names normally
designed for homosexuals to men who are enemies of the people, such as
Nixon or Mitchell. Homosexuals are not enemies of the people.

We should try to form a working coalition with the gay liberation and
women’s liberation groups. We must always handle social forces in the
most appropriate manner.

If you cant understand this shyt, maybe you shouldnt be talking about it :yeshrug:


May 2, 2012
Discrimination is fine. It's just the basis of your discrimination that determines whether it is legitimate or not. Discrimination is not wrong in and of itself.

Discrimination based on the color of one's skin is definitely wrong. Discrimination based on a person's sexual fetish is not, especially if you view it to be wrong or immoral and they publicize it. If you choose to discriminate against the dude who likes having sex with his dog, there's nothing wrong with you.

Injustice is wrong. It's unjust to judge a person on the color of their skin. But to correlate that type of injustice with judgment of homosexuals is stretching it...especially since a lot of people consider it "unjust" that homosexuality is permitted.

I like how it's "stretching" and "disrespectful" to compare different types of discrimination, but it's perfectly acceptable to compare two consenting adults having sex to bestiality.


All Star
May 1, 2012
These Kids
The promotion and glorification of homosex is white culture. Thats why a cac ran the society in hunger games. Most mn around the world of all ra es are disgusted by fakkits but for some reasom the european and people he integrates with mbrace it. Its so demonic.
:snoop: You need to get out more breh.
I see more blacks wearing skinny jeans than these whites, these days.
Skittle colored Nikes with Starburst laces and shyt, but I ain't knocking cats.
Like ya boy Weezy wearing leopard print leotards

I ain't seen a white boy do this since the 80's...Something wrong here.
But Homosex is White Culture, right?
It's everywhere, not just White culture.


Change is inevitable...
Jun 6, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
if none of yall motherfukkers are gay why is this even a discussion?
I'm telling you man the LOUDEST dudes about this homosexuality shyt are sucking more dikks and taking it in the ass more than anyone and are low key just trying to keep up the charade because of some deep rooted self-hatred/shame shyt.

Also...since when is "punk" a derogatory term on the same level as fakkit? :huh:


May 1, 2012
:snoop: You need to get out more breh.
I see more blacks wearing skinny jeans than these whites, these days.
Skittle colored Nikes with Starburst laces and shyt, but I ain't knocking cats.
Like ya boy Weezy wearing leopard print leotards

I ain't seen a white boy do this since the 80's...Something wrong here.
But Homosex is White Culture, right?
It's everywhere, not just White culture.
He didnt learn that from the black community.



