Looks good, will definitely watch
Yeah but honestly it kinda makes sense for the times. Like no one really throws regular house parties anymore, especially not the kind where everyone is doing dance routines and shyt.A simple normal house, would have been a better setting. Setting it in a mansion, loses all its soul.
I think the OP introduced it incorrectly. It clearly isnt a remake at all,like Space Jam isnt a remake. Its relaunching a franchise about house parties. And lets be honest House Party movies were pretty trash and goofy as hell. This looks to be in the same spirit of those movies.
The one mistake they made was they couldve got some stars with some sort of hiphop ties. Give me this movie ,but starring Sauce Walka and Sada Baby. That would make it a little more House Partyish
what was funny?Looks funny to me.
It has no connection to the classic original from what I can see aside from the dance. But it looks funny. It shouldn't be House Party tho.
Lebron is bigger than prime Kid N Play and the House Party franchise combined. Him being a major part of the plot and executive producer already puts it above anything House Party related and able to stand on its own.
Lebron is the executive and LeBron being a big sports figure had everything to do with trash ass Space Jam 2 making money.What does lebron beings a bigger sports figure have to do with movies , unfortunately studio executives doesn’t share the same vision as you or they would have named it Lebron party instead