"That immigration theoretically"

....your trying to sound smart, but it's coming off as some prison talk like:
To answer you question, I do practice group economics and I have made multiple threads on here showing examples of me practicing group economics, also I practiced them with Haitians and
@LeVraiPapi know because I supported a Haitian restuarant here in LA called T' George (closed down) and I also gave George money to help the people in Haiti. That was before I found out that Haitians and other Black Immigrants have hate for Black Americans
I bank with a Black Owned Bank, I buy my toilet paper from a Black Owned company, I buy my fruits and veggies from a Black owned farmer here in LA, my mortgage is through a Black Owned Bank, my realtor was Black lol, my laundry detergent is from a Black owned company, I buy my guns and ammo from a Black owned company, I buy my jeans from a Black owned company, I buy my shoes from 2 Black owned shoe stores here in LA, I buy my flowers from a Black owned florist here in LA, I buy watches from a Black owned company, I bought 2 cars from a Black Sales Man from a Black owned Car dealership (Russell Westbrook)....The list goes on lol
Melanoid Empowerment: Black Owned Watch Company Talley and Twine Review (Pics)
**Update Jeans Came In *** Black Owned Denim Company Located In California: Red Cotton Denim
Black Owned Gun Magazine Supplier
Black Americans have always pratice group economics but we always get sabotaged, but we do not stop and pack up our bags and move to another country and try to talk shyt. Also Dr. Claud Anderson has not been getting ignored, the part is that us Black Americans have to fight the White Supremacists, the off code Black Immigrants and other Non Black Immigrants.
fukk Bumpy Johnson was shot by a Black Cuban immigrant lol, who worked with the Italians lol