The Hidden History Museum Presented By Tariq Nasheed 1 Year Anniversary....Tichina Arnold Showed Up


Jul 25, 2018
I can’t agree with Kamala Harris, as this woman has only 25% Black ancestry at most.

But Tariq does have connections to Hollywood, which is typically Democratic. And has a LGBT+ control.

Party Alignment and Realignment has split these parties up with the same racist in both parties, fighting over the same control.

There’s a lot going on to bring as much confusion as possible. Hence we see ABOS Indians who claim the transatlantic slavery didn’t happen, they’ve been in the Americas forever etc… This is claimed to be hidden history!

Memorandum NSCM/46, U.S. Supreme Court Case No.00-9587. Black Africa and the U.S. Black Movement.

I don't give a rats ass if Kamala Harris was 2% Black. All that hate she got was complete BULLshyt from black Republican c00ns that wanted Trump to win a second term, pretending to be militants.

Point is these niccas are extremely selective on who they target and almost transparent in their hatred of only non-white people and use of right wing conservative language.

As long as Ron DeKKKlantis, son of racist Italian trash immigrants who came here in the 19XXs and had nothing to do with "bUilDiNg tHis moThErfukkEr!", is freely banning black literature and stopping black folks from voting in Florida with no pushback from Tariq Nasheed and the hashtaggers--not even a fraction of the venom folks had here for Harris--then I do not want to hear shyt from these nikkas about Africans, Kenyans, Jamaicans, Indians, Kamala Harris, Latinos or anyone. Cmon now, it couldnt be more clear what these fools are really about. They dont hate immigrants they love immigrants, as long as its white massa.

Like I said, hashtag is just a bunch of white worshipping black Republicans pretending to be militants and thanking God for massa at the same damn time.

When John Tanton hired Yvette Carnell to join his white supremacist front groups and come up with the ados hashtag, the point was to get black people (on the basis of being "Americans") to support a white supremacist agenda of disparaging BLACK and LATINO immigrants as a threat to this country and it's history, as well as to support-- either passively through not voting or actively--racist Republican candidates ahead of elections. And I almost got to give the man his flowers, he knew what he was doing. He must've been studying this for a while and knew exactly how to stroke simple people's egos, pit black folks against each other, and use us to advance his own agendas.

El Bombi

Aug 31, 2012

Apu Colibri GIF | Gfycat


Jan 31, 2014
That’s all alleged. No facts whatsoever. What is factual is Taharka’s paperwork on the scam that is going on.
How did I know you were gonna quote me lol. Normally you're a good poster, but Tariq seems to be occupying a lot of space in your head to the point where you're spamming this thread & looking crazy in here. I don't even agree with a lot of what he says but I wouldn't dedicate a quarter of the energy you've used in here to someone I don't fuk with

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
How did I know you were gonna quote me lol. Normally you're a good poster, but Tariq seems to be occupying a lot of space in your head to the point where you're spamming this thread & looking crazy in here. I don't even agree with a lot of what he says but I wouldn't dedicate a quarter of the energy you've used in here to someone I don't fuk with
Nope, I just replying out of decency to people who may disagree. On my part I let it rest.
Although I dislike what he has done here with this crowdfunded money. And I was criticized from the start when the crowdfunding was going on. I have made it clear then and now in this thread why this is not helping the masses of Black Americans (FBA). And yes, I almost donated as well, because initially I was under the impression that is was a great project. What held me back was a technical difficult on that site during the transaction. So I left it for what it was.

And yes, Brandon (boochie bear) made me realize that it could be invested in a better way to help Black people. On his platform we discussed these things like setting up a farm, distribution center and local grocery stores spread across the States. That would have been a better investment, considering the many health problems with BP in the States due to contaminated food and GMO. This would have created many jobs as well, at the farm, distribution center, transporters (truck drivers), local stores, administrative jobs at the office, IT jobs etc.

That investment would have a ROI within a year or at most two, with profits to reinvest and expand that project with the same philosophy. This would have made profits up to 10 million or more, each year. And as that business model (facilities) expanded, so would the finances grow as well, obviously and eventually after a few years make tens of millions each year and create more job opportunities and so on... That is why I am upset with what is going on. Now we have over half a mill embezzled, and people seem to be ok with it? But I am the weird one? How delusional!

To be honest most of my views on Tariq have changed, due to Omowale and Taharka. But I still agree with his political views and message on things like Reparations (although that thing he's been pushing about CARICOM is B.S. and misinformation). All this is aside from the pseudo history and the grifting he's pushing.

People need to learn to think for themselves and do facts-checking.

History of CARICOM

CARICOM is an economic platform for business, trade and commerce. And like the European Union (EU) is an economic union in the Carrebian and some mainland Latin American countries. CARICOM is not a delegation for Reparations, as Tariq is pushing, which brainless people copy from him.

Before CARICOM there was CARIFTA found in 1967. In 4 juli 1973 the CARIFTA all signed new trade agreements, which turned CARIFTA into CARICOM. It was found because that time more economic blocks started to form all around the world. And in order to compete some Latin American and Caribbean countries decided to formed an economic block as well.

And this probably explains the N'COBRA-commission. Somehow somewhere in this history both organizations got entangled.

In the early 2000s some of the CARICOM and other organizations organized to get Reparations paid out as a collective to all people of African descent in the Caribbean and USA, but it was too complicated so it was broken up into sections as we know them now, where each country started to demand reparations independently from the former colonizer.

So not all Caribbean countries are included in the same bill, since different countries colonized different Latin American and Caribbean (nations and states). Some by Briton, some by the Dutch, some by Spain, some by Portugal, some by Denmark. And some had different colonizers at different points in time.

I do think it’s possible for Black Americans to join the union of CARICOM as an economic hub. I’m terms of an economic benefit. Black Americans (Freedmen, ADOS/ FBA) need to have a delegation and committee (representatives), if they want to join in CARICOM. There has never been an application for this.

I think it's possible, but all we have seen was online social media rants and never a real delegation (committee) to economically represent Freedmen (ADOS/FBA). And it went for bad to worse with tether this and tether that.

Personally I have never heard any African and Afro-Caribbean or Afro-Latino say that they are against reparations for Black Americans (Freedmen, ADOS/FBA). It would be weird at best. I am speaking of saying that in my face in real life, not online behind some avatar.

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
I don't give a rats ass if Kamala Harris was 2% Black. All that hate she got was complete BULLshyt from black Republican c00ns that wanted Trump to win a second term, pretending to be militants.
She was introduced as a Black woman, which she isn't. And she made it clear that she was not going to do anything specific for Black Americans (ADOS reference at the time). However, ever since she has been in office "Asians" have been able to pull off amazing things.

Point is these niccas are extremely selective on who they target and almost transparent in their hatred of only non-white people and use of right wing conservative language.
To some degree that is because the non-white people and non-Black people have been extremely bias and disrespectful towards Black Americans. And some of these Black immigrants come from either party, left and right, which makes it extremely frustrating to deal with.

Some ask weird questions like, what does "being on code" mean? As if their home country was never colonized and effected by imperialism. Ok, Ethiopia is somewhat different, but I have met a of Horners who love the NOI AND FOI.

As long as Ron DeKKKlantis, son of racist Italian trash immigrants who came here in the 19XXs and had nothing to do with "bUilDiNg tHis moThErfukkEr!", is freely banning black literature and stopping black folks from voting in Florida with no pushback from Tariq Nasheed and the hashtaggers--not even a fraction of the venom folks had here for Harris--then I do not want to hear shyt from these nikkas about Africans, Kenyans, Jamaicans, Indians, Kamala Harris, Latinos or anyone. Cmon now, it couldnt be more clear what these fools are really about. They dont hate immigrants they love immigrants, as long as its white massa.
Of course I disagree with the division, and I told Yvette Carnell that she was causing fractures and would be harmful. She said, I don't care.

From what I understand Ron was favored because he was against the push for LGBT+ in schools? The difficulty is that a Bill holds many different topics. Bernie Sanders faced the same problem in the 90s with the crime Bill. Bernie Sanders was favored in 2016, but the Dems pushed for Hillarie who wasn't favored and was most likely not going to win, as what happened. They wanted this feminism control of the House, Senate and Supreme Court controlled by women. They didn't give two f's about the potentially losing.

I remember at the time some East Indian singer took an R&B song and mixed it up with East Indian singing vocals. That shyt was trash. I want my R&B authentic Black American like the FatBag Band, S.O.S. Band, Shalamar, Dayton, Earth Wind and Fire, D'Train, Guy, Tony! Toni! Tone!, Atlantic Star, Bobbie Brown etc...

I remember some Congolese woman climbing up the statue of liberty yelling all types of word stuff about immigrations. And some Nigerian woman doing the most at an anti-abortion rally. It was not about her being against abortions, but how she represented herself.

I have to be honest as well, ...

“She has engaged in productive conversations with the Black Lives Matter movement. She has acknowledged the legitimacy of “reparations”, a concept most mainstream Democrats would have eschewed two decades ago, when Bill Clinton was President. She seems more open to legislative solutions for racial wealth and income inequality than others have been.”
The Hill, September 07, 2016. What African-Americans have to gain with Hillary Clinton as president

Like I said, hashtag is just a bunch of white worshipping black Republicans pretending to be militants and thanking God for massa at the same damn time.
I disagree, with this statement because the actual white worshipping black Republicans was people like Candace Owens.

When John Tanton hired Yvette Carnell to join his white supremacist front groups and come up with the ados hashtag, the point was to get black people (on the basis of being "Americans") to support a white supremacist agenda of disparaging BLACK and LATINO immigrants as a threat to this country and it's history, as well as to support-- either passively through not voting or actively--racist Republican candidates ahead of elections. And I almost got to give the man his flowers, he knew what he was doing. He must've been studying this for a while and knew exactly how to stroke simple people's egos, pit black folks against each other, and use us to advance his own agendas.
Yes, I know this history and I have posted the documented evidence and these documents on here and on SLA as well.

Was it not Latinos getting a separate economic boost from Trump? It was a few billons from what I remember. And when Ice Cube wanted to have a talk with Trump over the trillion dollar Platinum Plan he get demonized by Black people, for even attempting to talk to that man. At the time I posted more on SLA so most of what I said then is on there. Was it not Binden who "promised" to talk to Ice Cube about the Platinum Plan, if he would become elected? It's almost 4 years and not 1 peep about Reparations from the Dems. Not even a Bill to protect Black Americans against racist attacks, either corrupt police or citizens.

FBI, Hate crime statistics comparison from 2004 to 2021 (There's no other group similar).

2004: 67.5 percent resulted from an anti-black bias.

2005: 67.9 percent were victims of an anti-black bias.

2006: 66.4 percent were victims of an offender’s anti-black bias.

2007: 69.3 percent were victims of an offender’s anti-black bias.

2008: 72.9 percent were victims of an offender’s anti-black bias.

2009: 71.5 percent were victims because of an offender’s anti-black bias.

2010: 70.0 percent were victims of an offender’s anti-black bias.

2011: 71.9 percent were victims of an offender’s anti-black bias.

2012: 66.2 percent were victims of an offender’s anti-black bias.

2013: 66.5 percent were victims of crimes motivated by their offenders’ anti-Black or African American bias.

2014: 62.7 percent were victims of crimes motivated by their offenders’ anti-Black or African American bias.

2015: 52.2 percent were victims of crimes motivated by their offenders’ anti-Black or African American bias.

2016: 50.2 percent were victims of crimes motivated by their offenders’ anti-Black or African American bias.

2017: 48.6 percent were victims of crimes motivated by their offenders’ anti-Black or African American bias.

2018: 47.1 percent were victims of crimes motivated by offenders’ anti-Black or African American bias.

2019: 48.5 percent were victims of crimes motivated by offenders, anti-Black or African American bias.

2020: Anti-Black or African American hate crimes continue to be the largest bias incident victim category, with 2,871 incidents in 2020, a 49% increase since 2019.

2021: Anti-Black or African American hate crimes continue to be the largest bias incident category, with 63.2% of all single-bias incidents in 2021.

Bunchy Carter

I'll Take The Money Over The Honey
May 19, 2014
Triple O.G. Bunchy Carter
Our FBA Brother and Sister Bill and Camille Cosby donated to the Museum:



No Sleep

May 5, 2012
Souf Caro
Our FBA Brother and Sister Bill and Camille Cosby donated to the Museum:


Going to be some hurt posters.

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
Going to be some hurt posters.
How does that equate and or remove the paperwork shown by Taharka Bey? The over half a million dollars in crowdfunding is still missing (embezzled). I wonder, did you finish school, high school that is?

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