The Hidden History Museum Presented By Tariq Nasheed 1 Year Anniversary....Tichina Arnold Showed Up

Rakim Allah

May 26, 2012
Los Angeles
And you’re always here to deflect and defend and lie or play the blind and deaf games
I’m rarely in Tariq threads. This was a positive celebration of Black Business, Excellence and Empowerment and the usual suspects of Tariq Stans deflected from that with their typical low vibrational tether energy It was so :demonic:, friend.

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
Why haven’t you called up to the show, ma’am?

You do know those guys from Full Force are “tater class”. And I can guarantee that Kid n Play don’t hold your views either. And out of all the amazing work they left behind, this is what you remember? smh

I will correct it,

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Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
I’m rarely in Tariq threads. This was a positive celebration of Black Business, Excellence and Empowerment and the usual suspects of Tariq Stans deflected from that with their typical low vibrational tether energy It was so :demonic:, friend.
In your mind a pimp makes an excellent business man. The jokes write themselves… Asking for donations, where over half a mil is missing doesn’t make one an excellent Black business owner. It makes one shady. Spreading pseudo intellectualism in the Black community is only harmful.

Bleak acsulins:


This whole tether excuse is hilarious. Tethers invested in most if not all of the products he sold. However, this is not about FBA or tethers, this about over (600k / 700k) half a mil missing. This about a building that is not registered as a museum, but the public (grassroots investors) is being told that this is a museum. There is no curator etc.
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Rakim Allah

May 26, 2012
Los Angeles
In your mind a pimp makes an excellent business man. The jokes write themselves… Asking for donations, where over half a mil is missing doesn’t make one an excellent Black business owner. It makes on shady.

Bleak acsulins:

More Lipstick Alley talking points. I hope you are able to post over there again, friend.

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
You really are on the spectrum, friend.
You are not on the spectrum, my friend. And that's a problem, because it holds Black society back.

I’ve been to the Amazon and I have seen what Amerindians look like. They have darker skin and straight hair like in those classical drawings. We also have old pictures of Indians, so we know what they looked like at the time. Tareeeeek has been spreading this misinformation online and in the museeeeeum. He the high school drop out makes REAL Black scholarship look foolish and a joke, with the spread of this pseudo intellectual armchair plebiscite!




Ancient DNA From Frozen Hair May Untangle Eskimo Roots

If Black Americans stem from various ethnic groups in the Americas, since the Paleolithic. These ABOS-FBA people need to explain why Black Americans have tropical adapted limb ratio and body portions metric similar to sub Sahara Africans, while actual native Americans aren’t tropical adapted in body portions and limb ratio? We actually have old burial places to do osteological test on, either with genetic or metrical data of cranium and post-cranium metrics.

“Thirteen of the 18 haplogroups previously observed in African populations were observed in the African American populations: L1a, L1b, L1c, L2a, L2b, L2c, L3b, L3d, L3e1, L3e2, L3e3, L3e4, and L3f”
(Derek C. Johnson et al., Mitochondrial DNA. 2015 Jun; 26(3): 445–451. , Mitochondrial DNA diversity in the African American population)

“In this context, the Dominican Republic is in line with the observations from other Caribbean and non-Caribbean American regions. All the mtDNA African lineages account for 61% of the maternal haplogroups, with the most frequent mtDNA lineages being the sub-Saharan L1c, L2a, L3b, and L3d, all reaching frequencies higher than 10%. Y Haplogroup Diversity of the Dominican Republic: Reconstructing the Effect of the European Colonization and the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trades”
(Eugenia D’Atanasio et al.)

Whereas: “All Native American mtDNA can be traced back to five Haplogroups called A, B, C, D, and X. More specifically, Native American mtDNA belongs to sub-haplogroups that are unique to the Americas and not found in Asia or Europe: A2, B2, C1, D1, and X2a (with minor groups C4c, D2, D3, and D4h3)”
(Roberta Estes, DNA Explained, November 2016)

“SCD occurs among about 1 out of every 365 Black or African-American births. SCD occurs among about 1 out of every 16,300 Hispanic-American births. About 1 in 13 Black or African-American babies is born with sickle cell trait (SCT)”.

"According to the study, having mainly African genetic ancestry can reduce a person's chances of finding a donor by up to 60%, and having African copies of HLA genes, which must be compatible with the donor's to make a transplant possible, can reduce them by 75%."
According to Meyer, the team cannot yet answer the question regarding the degree to which admixture and the percentage of African ancestry hinder a match. "These two things are a little different. What we know is that on average people with African HLA genes tend to have more difficulty than people with European ancestry," he said. "It remains to be seen if there are combinations of European and African chromosomes that can also reduce the probability of a match.”

"The study found that white blood cell counts may be low due to a rs2814778-CC variant in the promoter of the atypical chemokine receptor 1-coding gene ACKR1. While this variant is relatively uncommon in individuals of European ancestry, it appears to be found in more than 60 percent of African Americans and is found at especially high frequency in some populations from sub-Saharan Africa.”

'Tropically adapted groups also have relatively longer distal limb elements (tibia and radius, as compared to femur and humerus) than groups in colder climates."
(Matt Cartmill, Fred H. Smith - 2011)

"What we can say, however, is that in the Holocene, humans from southwest Asia do not exhibit tropically adapted body shape (Crognier 1981; Eveleth and Tanner 1976; Schreider 1975)...."
(Trenton Holliday (2000) Evolution at the
Crossroads: Modern Human Emergence in Western
Asia. American Anthropologist. New Series,
Vol. 102, No. 1, 54-68)

"In fact, in terms of body shape, the European and the Inuit samples tend to be cold-adapted and tend to be separated in multivariate space from the more tropically adapted Africans, especially those groups from south of the Sahara."
(Holliday TW, Hilton CE., Body proportions of circumpolar peoples as evidenced from skeletal data: Ipiutak and Tigara (Point Hope) versus Kodiak Island Inuit).

“Migration within a larger time framework took place ca. 15,000–18,000 BP, when the first Asian populations crossed the Bering Strait, ultimately founding the modern Amerindian population. Despite having as much as 18,000 years of selection in environments as diverse as those found in the Old World, body mass and proportion clines in the Americas are less steep than those in the Old World (Newman, 1953; Roberts, 1978). In fact, as Hulse (1960) pointed out, Amerindians, even in the tropics, tend to possess some ‘‘arctic’’ adaptations. Thus he concluded that it must take more than 15,000 years for modern humans to fully adapt to a new environment (see also Trinkaus, 1992). This suggests that body proportions tend not to be very plastic under natural conditions, and that selective rates on body shape are such that evolution in these features is long-term."
(Holliday T. (1997). Body proportions in Late Pleistocene Europe and modern
human origins. Jrnl Hum Evo. 32:423-447)

“Generally narrower body breaths of the foragers contrast mark by with the wider-bodied agriculturalists. Although bi-iliac breadth has been argued to be stable over long periods of time (Auerbach, 2007), this shift in mean body breath may be indicative of changes correlated with subsistence economy."

"In this study, skeletal measures of body size were analysed to evaluate the long-term impact of the transition to agriculture in the Nile Valley. Here we demonstrate that this transition is also associated with a modest reduction and subsequent improvement in stature and body mass. This trend could be broadly interpreted in the context of models of relationship between body size and nutrition."
(Pinhasi & Stock. 2011 Human Bioarchaeology of the Transition to Agriculture)

Haplogroups (Diaspora), Dissecting the Within-Africa Ancestry of Populations of African Descent in the Americas.

Haplogroups (Diaspora)

Dissecting the Within-Africa Ancestry of Populations of African Descent in the Americas

The Lapita

When it comes to actual peer reviewed scientific research, all I get as a response is laughing emojis. No serious grown man conversation.
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Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
More Lipstick Alley talking points. I hope you are able to post over there again, friend.
I rather get informed about female nature by women, as appose a guy who doesn't understand right and upstanding females. Pimping a female is abusing the traumatic experiences some females have endured. Of course to you that is a normal process, being a complete detriment to (Black) society. The best and only thing you have is to laugh it off. As I said, a detriment to Black society. Tareeeeek was under the impression that his gear was on point. He looked like a clown! What he wore doesn’t express Black excellence, it’s black foolishness.


Here are the results of the pimp game (broken homes):

"She found that having children by different fathers was more common among minority women, with 59 percent of African American mothers, 35 percent of Hispanic mothers, and 22 percent of White mothers reporting multiple partner fertility. Women who were not living with a man when they gave birth and those with low income and less education were also more likely to have children by different men.”

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Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
Besides Ogun tater juice, Tareeeeek has been reselling the book "Avoid The Machines", instead of telling us go into STEM, Computer Technology. Learn A.I., IoT .., learn how to hack the machine etc...


I rather have lectures by a Black professor Jelani Nelson at Harvard (or an HBCU) about algebra.

I rather follow Black business man and tech mogul, David Steward.
  • David Steward is the founder and chairman of IT provider World Wide Technology.
  • In the early days, Steward sometimes went without a paycheck and once watched his car get repossessed from the office parking lot.
  • Today he is majority owner of the $14.5 billion (sales) company, whose customers include Citi, Verizon and the federal government.
  • He grew up in the segregated South with seven siblings; his father worked as a mechanic, janitor and trash collector.
  • Steward donated $1.3 million to the University of Missouri-St. Louis in 2018 to create the David and Thelma Steward Institute for Jazz Studies.

Or the Nigerian mogul and robotics engineer Silas Adekunle.

Tethers don’t exist, because “white supremacy is everywhere”.
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Who Not How

Mar 11, 2022
On March 25th there will be another Hidden History Museum event like the grand opening.

You can get some good food, meet some nice ladies, get your network on. I know my FBA people in this thread will be there. I'll be in the building.


May 20, 2012
FBA women know better. Roll that ish in toilet tissue and throw it in the trash next time!! Tariq don't got time for that. Better yet, stay home if it's that time of the month!

200 hundred people. Lots of Alcohol. One toilet. :lupe:

That’s not a museum, that’s a house party.