The Guy Who Played Barney Is Now A Tantric Sex Instructor

Doobie Doo

May 2, 2012
Raleigh, NC
“When you go down on a woman (orally), it should be just like you’re saying grace, like blessing the food you’re about to receive." — David Joyner


The Guy Who Played Barney the Dinosaur Now Runs a Tantric Sex Business


Same pose



Oct 10, 2017
The Guy Who Played Barney Is Now A Tantric Sex Instructor
Movies & TV
Shenequa Golding @GoldingGirl617 | January 24, 2018 - 10:25 am

CREDIT: Gettt Images
For those of us who are old enough to remember the control Barney & Friends had over children and toddlers, this bit of news may be off-putting at best. The actor who donned the famous purple dinosaur suit is now a tantric sex therapist.

While speaking to Vice, 54-year-old David Joyner said for just one $350 session which can last up to four hours, his clients can receive chakra balancing, a ritual bath, a massage and also orgasms. Joyner says he has about 30 clients, all women, or as he refers to as “goddesses. “

Joyner says he unblocks the pent up energy of two to four goddesses a week, which was much different than his job as as a software analyst, or when he played the lovable T-rex dinosaur. However, Joyner says there are some comparisons between his job now and the one he held from 1991-2001.

“The energy I brought up [while] in the costume is based on the foundation of tantra, which is love,” Joyner explains. “Everything stems, grows, and evolves from love. Even when you have emotionally blocked energy, the best way to remove it is to remove it with love, and then replace it with God’s divine love. Love heals and allows you to continue to grow.”

Before getting into the Barney costume, Joyner said he’d pray “and ask God to allow his loving divine spirit to flow through me through the costume and let that draw the kids. That energy would always draw them in.”

Prayer was needed as temperatures inside the 70-pound Barney suit could reach as high as 120 degrees. Yet despite Joyner’s career transition he has merited a few raised eyebrows due to how he chooses to, as his mission statement on his website outlines, “connects your mind, body and spirit together as one, in perfect harmony.” According to Joyner, a “higher and more blissful state of awareness” is achieved through penetration, ideally unprotected sex. Condoms supposedly “block the energy” and Joyner doesn’t like to use them. However, Joyner says he provides his STD results, and asks potential clients to do the same and sign a consent form prior to their first session.

Another sex coach spoke with Vice via Skype from Japan and said Joyner’s spiel that condoms “block energy” doesn’t sound foolish. “Tantric sex can happen with your clothes on. What typically looks like penis and vagina penetration is often referred to as ‘full union’ in contemporary practice. Sexual energy penetrates clothes, condoms, countries, and beyond. Having sex with clients in the world of tantra is more of an anomaly than the norm,” Kaya Kwan Yin said.

The Barney Actor Is Now A Tantric Sex Therapist
How is this not prostitution?