If the common denominator between black gays, black women, black trannies and black men is their blackness, wouldn't fighting for "black rights" (meaning rights that are common to all black ppl and not specific to a particular subgroup) benefit all of the aforementioned groups by definition? Why is focusing on black rights as opposed to "gay rights" oppressive to black gays?
Some of these dumb smart clowns are making the argument that unless you fights for gay rights and the individual rights of every black subgroup, you're not really fighting for black rights, which is just retarded.
If you take on "minority rights", "women's rights" and "gay rights", which are much broader causes that encompass far more groups than just "blacks", many of whom are way better off than black ppl by virtue of their race/ethnicity, does that not detract from (what should be) your the primary objective which is black rights?
In fact, that's exactly what has happened since the civil rights era.