When he said in a song that he wish he feels bad for a woman but can't in the early days, I knew that nikka was trouble and a demon.Pretty much. I left the after, after party because I wanted no parts of that.
As long as you aren't too dark.watched dude mush a bytch in her face and kicked her out because "I know you heard me say no fukking dark skins"
i ain't witness dude sexually assault anyone, but dude obviously has no respect for women and view them as creatures below him.
I still remember the first time I broke a girls heart. She was traumatize for months and even moved to Texas to stay with her dad. I felt so bad that I changed I how i dealt with girls from that moment on. When you heartless, you can do anything to a bytch and blame the bytch for it. Especially when you got sauce and women find you to be very attractive