The Goat vs the Biracial Chosen one....Patriots vs Chiefs AFC championship Game.

Who will win

  • Patriots

    Votes: 60 35.7%
  • Chiefs

    Votes: 74 44.0%
  • Asian thought is from japan

    Votes: 34 20.2%

  • Total voters


Sep 16, 2012
I go back and forth with this game. Part of me thinks the Pats are gonna run it down the Chiefs throat and kill them with those quick underneath passes and keep the offense off the field.

On the other hand I think sometimes people overreact to a win in the playoffs. You see it all the time with wildcard teams winning while the higher seeds don’t play and tons of people overreact to see the wildcard team play well only to get destroyed the following week by a better team.

The Pats have been great at home all year and beat a team coming from the west coast to east for the second week in a row.

They’ve been a terrible road team all year getting killed by teams like the Titans so I could easily see them looking slow (like they have a lot of the year) and getting shredded by a much faster explosive offense.

My only worry for the Chiefs is how much if at all is the weather gonna affect their passing game? If it doesn’t I could see it being a long day for the Pats
Jun 15, 2012


Apr 2, 2017
i've been hearing too many 'pats win cuz afc east!' they keep bringing up how 'lucky' pats have been:mjlol:

AFC east being a joke is flat out lie.

Patriots Win Percentage
The Patriots are a staggering 252 - 89 against the NFL since 2000, which equates to a 0.739 win percentage. So as a whole, the NFL has not done particularly well against the Pats. In fact, if the NFL vs the Patriots was an actual team, their win percentage (0.261) would be worse than the Cleveland Browns over the same time period (0.306 since 2000). Yes, the same Browns that won a combined 4 games over 3 entire seasons.

If we break it down by conference, it looks like this:

Conference Win - Loss Win Percentage
AFC 190 - 67 --------------------------------- 0.739
NFC 62 - 22 --------------------------------- 0.738
So even with a smaller sample size, the conference breakdowns are surprisingly close. So it's not like familiarity (or the lack thereof) creates any sort of advantage either way. Let's break it down even further, and look at the Patriots win percentage against each individual division.

Division W - L - T Win Percentage
AFC South 41 - 10 --------------------------------- 0.804
NFC South 17 - 5 --------------------------------- 0.773
AFC North 32 - 11 --------------------------------- 0.744
AFC East 86 - 30 ---------------------------------0.741
NFC North 17 - 6 --------------------------------- 0.739
NFC West 14 - 5 ---------------------------------0.737
NFC East 14 - 6 ---------------------------------0.700
AFC West 31 - 16 ---------------------------------0.660
A few things stand out.

  1. The AFC South has performed dismally against the Patriots, which even includes the Peyton Manning era Colts.
  2. The Patriots difficulty with the Broncos (10-9) is the main reason the AFC West is at the bottom of this list.
  3. The AFC East is smack dab in the middle of this list. Not nearly the cakewalk that the AFC South provides.
  4. The Patriots have more losses against AFC East teams than the entire NFC.
AFC East vs Everybody
This really only proves that the AFC East is just as bad as everyone else against the Patriots. But let's take it one step further. How has the rest of the AFC East performed vs other divisions since 2000?

Division W - L - T Win Percentage
AFC East 637 - 579 - 0 ---------------------------------0.524
NFC East 624 - 590 - 2 ---------------------------------0.513
NFC South 610 - 604 - 2 --------------------------------- 0.502
AFC North 609 - 601 - 6 ---------------------------------0.501
AFC West 604 - 612 - 0 ---------------------------------0.497
NFC North 599 - 613 - 4 --------------------------------- 0.493
AFC South 583 - 601 - 0 ---------------------------------0.492
NFC West 573 - 639 - 4 --------------------------------- 0.471
Ok, this isn't really fair since we're including the Patriots in this and they've been otherworldly as we've already established. On the other hand, if we remove the Patriots from the results the AFC will plummet:

Division W - L - T Win Percentage
NFC East 624 - 590 - 2 ---------------------------------0.513
NFC South 610 - 604 - 2 ---------------------------------0.502
AFC North 609 - 601 - 6 ---------------------------------0.501
AFC West 604 - 612 - 0 ---------------------------------0.497
NFC North 599 - 613 - 4 --------------------------------- 0.493
AFC South 583 - 601 - 0 ---------------------------------0.492
NFC West 573 - 639 - 4 ---------------------------------0.471
AFC East 412 - 500 - 0 ---------------------------------0.452
But again, this isn't fair to the AFC East. Of course you're going to look bad if you take away the best record from your division every year. And it just so happens that the Patriots have finished the season with the best record in the AFC East every year -- even when they don't win the division. So what happens when we remove every season's division winner from the equation?

Division W - L - T Win Percentage
AFC East 412 - 500 - 0 0.452
NFC East 411 - 499 - 2 0.451
NFC South 403 - 524 - 1 0.434
AFC North 403 - 520 - 5 0.434
AFC West 385 - 527 - 0 0.422
AFC South 376 - 520 - 0 0.420
NFC North 381 - 528 - 3 0.418
NFC West 374 - 552 - 2 0.403
Huh. The AFC East is back on top when you remove the best team from each division, which leads me to believe that the rest of the AFC East hasn't been "easy" by any stretch. What this shows is that in the 2nd - 4th spot in any division, the AFC East has the best record, regardless of who was in that spot.

But some claim that it's unfair to remove the division winner for each season, since that punishes teams that have a good year and win the division occasionally. They argue that the comparison should be removing the best teams from each division since 2000. So let's put that argument to the test and compare divisions when removing the best performing team.

Division W - L - T Win Percentage Best Team
NFC East 443 - 468 - 1 0.486 Philadelphia Eagles (181 - 122 - 1)
NFC South 440 - 470 - 2 0.482 New Orleans Saints (170 - 134 - 0)
AFC West 429 - 483 - 0 0.470 Denver Broncos (175 - 129 - 0)
NFC North 415 - 495 - 2 0.455 Green Bay Packers (184 - 118 - 2)
AFC East 412 - 500 - 0 0.452 New England Patriots (225 - 79 - 0)
AFC North 412 - 496 - 4 0.452 Pittsburgh Steelers (197 - 105 - 2)
AFC South 393 - 487 - 0 0.447 Indianapolis Colts (190 - 114 - 0)
NFC West 402 - 507 - 3 0.441 Seattle Seahawks (171 - 132 - 1)
So the AFC East isn't at the top anymore, but neither are they far and away the worst division in football in the Brady/Belichick era. Regardless how you run the numbers the AFC East is still not the easiest division, by a long shot.

Hopefully this puts to rest the myth of the "easy" AFC East.

The Myth of the Easy AFC East, the Definitive Guide | Patriots Dynasty