It may be basic by today's standards, but the brainbuster belongs on the list.
So would the 3D, Rolling Cutter/Cross Rhodes deals be considered RKO/Diamond Cutter variants?
In this man's defense, the Mandible Claw had a real sinister aura about it and before Socko came along it was legitimately a feared move. Especially given that it put Undertaker out MULTIPLE times out the door
Good list I'm guessing the Burning Hammer will make it in the semi or finals.
It may be basic by today's standards, but the brainbuster belongs on the list.
It may be basic by today's standards, but the brainbuster belongs on the list.
We're not going to give that saying legs, Bryan.Well said.... that something worthy of putting meat on meat for
We're not going to give that saying legs, Bryan.
how many matches did Mr. Ass and Dolph win with that?
Mandible Claw would get destroyed by the Elbow Drop
Tomorrow it BEGINS!!!!
A great day for us!!!
Im gonna enjoy this and I’m gonna be a GOOD RRRRRRRRRTRUTH!!!