The girl I talk to is FLAWED...


Jan 2, 2013
Her comprehension skills seem to be lacking. She can't give valid answers to questions I ask her. She is always talking that "a man that puts god first"(whatever that means to her) yet she justifies stuff that wouldn't be godlike.

I was on the phone with her and I told her that it was two big ass ducks at the door where I work, the ducks were running up on me when I approached the door. So, I ain't bout that life of fukking with animals and shyt lol. So, I told her I ain't fukking with them I'm going to another door. So this dummy bytch has the nerve to call me a punk because I avoid them. Talking about you should have picked up something and hit them. bytch HELLO this is a company with a bunch of CAC at it, soon as they see a mangled up duck they're going to go in panic mode and look at camera and see my black ass out there doing work. So, wouldn't the best thing to do be for me to walk to another entrance than risk the possibility of dealing with those nasty fukkers.

So, we discussed that I'm not no fighting ass nikka and I avoid that type of shyt because I ain't trying to get hurt or have a another nikka blood on me with a chance that I may get locked up. (My brother was like 20 and he beat a nikka ass who was talking shyt to him and dude momma and girlfriend called the police on my brother and he got arrested. That arrest cost my brother his teaching job and a lot of money in the future). So, I explained to her that the only time I'd fight a nikka is if he was trying to cause harm to me or my family psychically. For some reason after explaining that she kept saying that is what a punk would do.

How about I talked to her today and her son got in a fight in school and got a broke hand and charges pressed on him by the school for fighting today. The thing is her son and the other kid set up a time and a place to fight. They went to the locker room and fought and neither had gym class at the time.


Jan 2, 2013
Say no more... I think she has a weak mind for comprehending. When I try to explain shyt to her all she does is say stupid cliche ghetto shyt you'd expect out of a kid.

Blown Moon

All Star
Jul 14, 2012
Her comprehension skills seem to be lacking. She can't give valid answers to questions I ask her. She is always talking that "a man that puts god first"(whatever that means to her) yet she justifies stuff that wouldn't be godlike.

I was on the phone with her and I told her that it was two big ass ducks at the door where I work, the ducks were running up on me when I approached the door. So, I ain't bout that life of fukking with animals and shyt lol. So, I told her I ain't fukking with them I'm going to another door. So this dummy bytch has the nerve to call me a punk because I avoid them. Talking about you should have picked up something and hit them. bytch HELLO this is a company with a bunch of CAC at it, soon as they see a mangled up duck they're going to go in panic mode and look at camera and see my black ass out there doing work. So, wouldn't the best thing to do be for me to walk to another entrance than risk the possibility of dealing with those nasty fukkers.

So, we discussed that I'm not no fighting ass nikka and I avoid that type of shyt because I ain't trying to get hurt or have a another nikka blood on me with a chance that I may get locked up. (My brother was like 20 and he beat a nikka ass who was talking shyt to him and dude momma and girlfriend called the police on my brother and he got arrested. That arrest cost my brother his teaching job and a lot of money in the future). So, I explained to this dude that the only time I'd fight a nikka is if he was trying to cause harm to me or my family psychically. For some reason after explaining that she kept saying that is what I punk would do.

How about I talked to her today and her son got in a fight in school and got a broke hand and charges pressed on him by the school for fighting today. The thing is her son and the other kid set up a time and a place to fight. They went to the locker room and fought and neither had gym class at the time.

That's where I stopped, I suggest you do the same.
May 1, 2012
son :usure: thats already a complication in my book if she gives you any other reasons time to jump ship

Scotch Hall

All Star
May 14, 2012
#TSC and surgical shoes
Her comprehension skills seem to be lacking. She can't give valid answers to questions I ask her. She is always talking that "a man that puts god first"(whatever that means to her) yet she justifies stuff that wouldn't be godlike.

I was on the phone with her and I told her that it was two big ass ducks at the door where I work, the ducks were running up on me when I approached the door. So, I ain't bout that life of fukking with animals and shyt lol. So, I told her I ain't fukking with them I'm going to another door. So this dummy bytch has the nerve to call me a punk because I avoid them. Talking about you should have picked up something and hit them. bytch HELLO this is a company with a bunch of CAC at it, soon as they see a mangled up duck they're going to go in panic mode and look at camera and see my black ass out there doing work. So, wouldn't the best thing to do be for me to walk to another entrance than risk the possibility of dealing with those nasty fukkers.

So, we discussed that I'm not no fighting ass nikka and I avoid that type of shyt because I ain't trying to get hurt or have a another nikka blood on me with a chance that I may get locked up. (My brother was like 20 and he beat a nikka ass who was talking shyt to him and dude momma and girlfriend called the police on my brother and he got arrested. That arrest cost my brother his teaching job and a lot of money in the future). So, I explained to this dude that the only time I'd fight a nikka is if he was trying to cause harm to me or my family psychically. For some reason after explaining that she kept saying that is what I punk would do.

How about I talked to her today and her son got in a fight in school and got a broke hand and charges pressed on him by the school for fighting today. The thing is her son and the other kid set up a time and a place to fight. They went to the locker room and fought and neither had gym class at the time.
there something you not telling us breh :mjpls:


Jan 2, 2013
So your dealing with her because she brings what to the table??? :mjpls:

She look pretty good, she got a good ass job, we have a good time when we're out, she don't mind paying when we go out, etc.

It's good and bad.