Power is in my hair nikka
Im more entertained by the animated gifs in this thread than him actually checking Ice Burgandy. I feel like Waka was doing the same shyt 50 was which he was tricking local gang bangers into being part of the team so hes good in the area but had no intention of doing much with em.
The funny part about this is, that it's the SAME camp of dudes who were down with 50....if you look at the blutiful world video, P smurf,Hootie, and all them were riding with G Unit when Spider was over there... now they on BSM...they'd be down with No Limit if P gave them some exposure.
game is exposing all his enemies right now... next on the list spider loc get ready
Out of all the people Game disses, he admits that he respects spider..cause he really is about that life