Its more of a realistic thing for Western Blacks to create and then introduce into Africa. The best thing would be starting their own communities and at least getting back control of Food, Shelter, and education of some our people. That way we can control how our children are being socialized generation to generation. This is EXTREMELY important. We have NO control over our people. They are being socialized by hiphop culture (thats not really in our control) and whatever agenda they want to push threw their education/media in this country.
Fully agree with the bolded. Possible but hard to do in the European context of white supremacy (I'm talking about what I know).
2nd generations of African immigrants are not socialized by African standards because their parents left their native countries for particular reasons, better opportunities being the most common. This means these parents have a very particular mindset set on promotion and advancement of their lineage that they
couldn't realize back home. It may be slowly changing with China meddling with their business but back then France and Western countries in general were considered like El Dorados and painted like models to follow and join since a young age. The use of colonial language in administration/national TV news is one of the sign of this psychological domination. I almost know for sure it's still the case: my cousin I used to visit in Senegal when I was little came to France to pursue her studies in business because there is a world between what she can do now and what she could have achieved had she stayed back home.
Plus they are very unaware of how white supremacy function, at least when they arrive. They of course are subjected to racism but not the full blown experience since they are already grown adults when they come.
All in all they are not armed nor do they particularly desire to socialize their kids in African fashion. And they are certainly not armed at all to prepare them to live in white societies. Like I said, they came to advance their family's quality of life following european capitalist ideals of advancement, so what they push for is
full blown integration. Pops wouldn't push for me to know my native language because he wanted my french to be perfect so as to a be lil french boy. And let me tell you, almost none of the 2nd generation immigrants I encountered in my life speak the language of their parents, because they were all on that shtick when educating us. Shyt, I speak a way better french, english and spanish that their language.
I'm trying to correct that though.
So whether it'd be language or african history, 2nd gens generally know none of that except for the glimpses of culture they catch at home or when visiting the continent during vacation (food and music, rhythm... holidays and clothing... not much else). 2nd gens are basically educated by school and their environment so they abide by european standards and way of life. Ok, it's maybe not so black and white, there is obviously a culture mix, but people underestimate how much European 2nd gens are. That's why most of them develop an elitist attitude towards the country of their parents, have pejorative terms for immigrants ("blédard") and don't want to go back/be associated with these countries growing up unconsciously fearing it might be an obstacle to their integration.
That's what happened for me and plenty others. You grow up in Europe, don't want to hear about Africa because there is a disconnect/you are educated in a white dominated society, so the images you associate with Africa are slavery, poverty, weakness and so on. What it takes for 2nd gens to break the chains are the development of a racial identity by being a victim of racism and discrimination since a young age. At this point you either grow up to be an Uncle Tom to deal with the cognitive dissonance, or you develop somehow a basic conciousness of racism and injustice. That's why 2nd gen are more aware of racism than their parents and Africans in general.
Not enough to make the majority want to live or build in Africa though, because at this point they are European. You are used to that standard and way of life.
But I believe there is a way out though. I noticed that a lot of people on this forum complain about them, but let me tell you: Black Lives Matter, American twitter activists and posters, movies like Malcolm X or Black Panther are lowkey (highkey?) game changers from what I see.
Americans underestimate how much young people over the world want to be like them. Maybe I'll expand on that another time, but since the first heavily media relayed murders back in 2012, the "woke"/conscious movement that developed in the USA touched Europe as well via Internet, hip hop, movies. It changed
a lot.
Aye I'm talking way too much. All in all I just wanted to talk about how socialization works where I'm at and how we can break nocive tendencies adopted because we didn't know better.
TL;DR: There's a way out but as things are going, I'm not so sure that the descendance of African immigrants still have/want a place in Africa.