Wells, is probably not going to be evil.
Not evil but he will be a douche
Wells, is probably not going to be evil.
Read they cut a Barry/Iris heart-to-heart about her mom coming back in favor of that second Barry/Patty scene at the coffee shop. Had Candice Patton and Grant Gustin tweeting before the show about how great the scene was an everything because they weren't aware their scene together wasn't going to be aired. So the people behind the show aren't even trying to be subtle at all with their push to make Patty into nuFelicity huh?
Read they cut a Barry/Iris heart-to-heart about her mom coming back in favor of that second Barry/Patty scene at the coffee shop. Had Candice Patton and Grant Gustin tweeting before the show about how great the scene was an everything because they weren't aware their scene together wasn't going to be aired.
So the people behind the show aren't even trying to be subtle at all with their push to make Patty into nuFelicity huh?
shot from the next episode
Hey now.shot from the next episode
They don't have to, they want to. Smallville faced the same issue when all the fans wanted Clark/Chloe together when he was with Lana and even when they introduced Lois. The Smallville creative team told them nerds to kick rocks and kept Lois and Clark as endgame.As good as the show is one must remember we're watching it on the CW. They have to pander to shippers or they lose fans.
Much like Arrow last week, I liked the opening with Iris in danger and jumping out the window. Always good to start a show with action. Joe p4p might/is the best actor on this show. Not sure where Iris' mother coming back into the picture is going, but I'll be damned if he didn't sell the hell out of his conversation with Iris at the table .
They did a good job of somewhat thawing out the icy demeanor of Captain Cold and his sister, setting him up nicely to glide into his Legends of Tomorrow role . If they would have had this dude take him back to his cell though after his convo with Barry at the end
Always wait for theseIris jumped out a building for an exclusive scoop Injected his own daughter with a bomb ; Papa Suge Snart's VULGAR Oh shyt, he put a slug in Barry, but he caught it Neo style Cisco shot Golden Glider's load out Capt. Cold has a warm heart Family West bittersweet reunion Joe's Father of the Century Patti's one slip-up away from revealing her true intentions Linda Park still in the cut Caitlyn's the opposite of Chill Mode Lots of science technobabble flying over my head Wait, Dr. Stein ETHERIZED again Titanium Wells just puncture thru Varrick's breached portal Flash ILLMATIC endings just won't let up