Has anyone realized the pattern of "I like this wrestler a lot he should be champion" changes to "wow this person is horrible as champ it's time to switch it up" basically every time the last 5 years?
Don't know if it's wwe fault, fans being fickle and used to complaining, or both.
I acknowledge Seth been booked like a geek but I just wanna highlight how everyone was begging him to be champion and people forgot why already.
I agree. This doesn't apply to Seth specifically, but it's really easy for us to look at someone who's not in the main event and say that they should be, then get tired of them once they actually become part of the main event.
A lot of the time, the reason that happens is momentum. Guys tend to have the most energy when they're chasing success, and then once they win the title, nobody knows what to do with them. They give up on making their character compelling, the booking takes a hit, and we're just counting down the days until someone else gets the belt.
Personally, I think they were a year too late with Seth. He was on fire last year and that would have been the perfect time to give him the Universal Championship. They should have thrown their plans for WrestleMania 34 away and put Seth in the main event, then have him win it. He could have been able to take advantage of his momentum for months after that. Maybe Ambrose comes back and they feud over the title for the remainder of 2018.
But they waited too long to pull the trigger and it didn't mean as much when he actually won the title. It was overshadowed by Kofi's moment and Becky's moment. And the momentum he had in 2018 wasn't there so there was nothing for him to capitalize off of. Good writing and not acknowledging his relationship with Becky could have saved his character, but then he still would have gotten himself in Twitter drama so maybe this was meant to happen.