It was a bad promo. The lines he was given sure didn't help him much, and I'm assuming he'll just do what they tell him, and given everything he's gotten I can see why he doesn't really mind.
It's weird because he was at least a pretty entertaining heel promo, but he is terrible at babyface promos.
I'm not sure if this promo stands out in anyway. It was indeed dreadful, but Rollins is terrible on the microphone on a weekly basis.
Even i thought it was a little cringe when he mocked Lesnar.
If I say anything it is just coming to come across as bashing but I literally rolled my eyes and said, 'is this mother fukker serious'? when he was ranting about Bork. HEAD ALL RED GRRR!!!
'At SummerSlam I will face Brock Lesnarand Lesnar will...lose'
So much charisma
I was not going to watch any of this show but after reading about this promo I just had to check it out!
The first minute or so when Rollins was attempting to be funny by mocking Lesnar was absolutely hideous, a truly horrible and embarrassing promo!
It’s not quite Roman Reigns level bad with the Sufferin Succotash, Tater Tots and Jack & The Beanstalk but it was very bad! After Heyman got involved it got slightly better but not by much!
Just a terrible segment!