The fact remains, women have no good reason to wear weaves.


Jul 15, 2012
how were women protecting their hair before the hair-hat epidemic?

First of all, people have already said that there are a number of protective styles. IDK when the term "protective style" was coined but women have been wearing braids, bun, and wigs (all protective styles) for ages.


Jul 15, 2012
The way i broke you down in this discussion is legendary. You have no more excuses. You don't even realize you trapped yourself. I'm done.

You really think you are intelligent. Broke me down? TF. There were such things as adult and children hairstyles way before this thread happened. See the LSA thread that I referenced.

Adult hairstyles was the reason I couldn't wear my hair down when I was a little girl. It was the reason that I had to wear ponytails. Are you that damn dumb that you can't grasp that concept?

Also you are very obviously Sierra Mist or someone else's alias. You came to LSA with that same weave bs and made your ass look stupid then too.

Chelsea Bridge

Aug 3, 2012
Ya'll should thank me for this thread.

This is the first time we made a REAL breakthrough.

No goal post moving.

No backing down.

We STRAIGHT exposed these chicks AND THEY KNOW IT.

Using STRAIGHT and CONCRETE logic.

Save these arguments for the future.

Negro please. All you showed is that you guys love using white women in an argument when it supports your side but then try to throw shade when other use it to support theirs.

You've also shown that you're unwilling to accept any reason other than self-hate as the reason for women wearing weaves and those that are guilty of having self hate, you think they're supposed to automatically learn to love themselves just because you say so without considering the social conditioning that caused them to hate their natural hair.

You've also proven that you men are incredibly close minded and unwilling to see any other side of this discussion and if a women dare to state a different opinion, you latch on to this far fetched belief that we're arguing against black men wanting black women to love their natural hair.

You guys are ridiculous that's why this thread is so long.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
:childplease: you can't even read and comprehend two sentences. You've only showed that you are ill-informed.

Ill informed? You don't even know which buffalo your follicles came from.

Its probably near the anus...


Yak Hair and Yaki Hair
Q: What is Yak hair? I have heard several cosmetologist and beauty supply sales agents tell me Yak hair is “human hair” from a human being and not a Yak animal. Others say Yak hair IS from an animal, however, since it is a living creature, it is considered “human hair”. Please advise me on this matter.

A: This is another development in the hairdressing industry that results in LOTS of confusion due to the way our industry professionals decide to name the products being used. (I’ve ranted for years on the way names of hairstyles can vary widely causing massive confusion for women who want a particular look.)

When it comes to hair extensions as well as wigs and hair pieces, the term(s) Yak Hair (or Yaki Hair) are found all over the place. These two terms refer to hair fibers that are naturally produced, but are very different in their origins.

Yak hair is NOT human hair. It is harvested from the body of the Yak animal – an ox-like mammal native to the Himalayas and Tibet with dark, long and silky hair, a horse-like tail and a full, bushy mane. The hair of the yak is structurally similar to human hair and testing revealed that it responded the same way to the styling methods used to style human hair as human hair responded. In look and texture, this animal hair closely matched “relaxed” African-ethnic hair and Indo-Asian hair types. Because the hair could be grown and harvested from these animals in massive quantities, it has become a staple in inexpensive hair extensions and accessory products.

However, some time after yak hair became widely used in the industry, it was discovered that many people were allergic to the fibers. Since the look of the yak hair products was so popular, researchers immediately went to work looking for another alternative that would be inexpensive, yet give the look women had begun to clamor after.

And thus “YAKI” hair was born. Yaki hair IS human hair that has been harvested in as inexpensive a manner as possible and chemically processed and treated to look and feel the way yak hair does. This allows women to get the look they want without the risk of allergic responses.

So, it seems that your confusion stems from the inability of your previous information sources to properly identify the products they’re discussing.

Get this straight. There is manufactured human hair...that mimics YAK hair?

Man you women are LOST


EscoBeard Season Has Returned
May 1, 2012
#CertLife #ITGang
The best way to promote natural hair for black women would be for you to marry a natural black women and have a bunch of little natural black kids.

But we all know the coli male is against that, so y'all will just keep talking about how much you hate weaves, while chasing around the women that wear them.

I'm on that natural hair kick. Dismiss any woman who wears a wig or weave. Luckily, NY chicks been slowly coming off that bullshyt. Seeing alot of curly fros now :blessed:

But the day I mess with a curly fro chick and her hair falls off while I'm smashing, I give up and will just chase latinas.


Jul 15, 2012
Negro please. All you showed is that you guys love using white women in an argument when it supports your side but then try to throw shade when other use it to support theirs.

You've also shown that you're unwilling to accept any reason other than self-hate as the reason for women wearing weaves and those that are guilty of having self hate, you think they're supposed to automatically learn to love themselves just because you say so without considering the social conditioning that caused them to hate their natural hair.

You've also proven that you men are incredibly close minded and unwilling to see any other side of this discussion and if a women dare to state a different opinion, you latch on to this far fetched belief that we're arguing against black men wanting black women to love their natural hair.

You guys are ridiculous that's why this thread is so long.

He's also shown that he lacks any time of reading comprehension skills. He comments on things he knowns nothing about (even a half intelligent person would google before they made an idiotic comment).

Some of them have the audacity to believe they are intelligent and winning this debate. It's hilarious.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Negro please. All you showed is that you guys love using white women in an argument when it supports your side but then try to throw shade when other use it to support theirs.

You've also shown that you're unwilling to accept any reason other than self-hate as the reason for women wearing weaves and those that are guilty of having self hate, you think they're supposed to automatically learn to love themselves just because you say so without considering the social conditioning that caused them to hate their natural hair.

You've also proven that you men are incredibly close minded and unwilling to see any other side of this discussion and if a women dare to state a different opinion, you latch on to this far fetched belief that we're arguing against black men wanting black women to love their natural hair.

You guys are ridiculous that's why this thread is so long.




Self love and appreciation is a longer journey for different people.

Just admit you're a c00n and sleep on it.

No use in fighting your true nature anymore.

I WILL NOT accept another position from my own.


All of your excuses come down to LAZINESS and a failure to embrace what you posses.

Ashley Banks

All I ever wanted was the world
Jun 19, 2012
Negro please. All you showed is that you guys love using white women in an argument when it supports your side but then try to throw shade when other use it to support theirs.

You've also shown that you're unwilling to accept any reason other than self-hate as the reason for women wearing weaves and those that are guilty of having self hate, you think they're supposed to automatically learn to love themselves just because you say so without considering the social conditioning that caused them to hate their natural hair.

You've also proven that you men are incredibly close minded and unwilling to see any other side of this discussion and if a women dare to state a different opinion, you latch on to this far fetched belief that we're arguing against black men wanting black women to love their natural hair.

You guys are ridiculous that's why this thread is so long.

Exactly. They try to hide behind the "we want you to be natural" thing but that is clearly not their intention. It's just another thing for them to complain about. :smh: It's like these dudes have a problem with everything black women do from our hair to the tv shows we watch. They complain about everything. :why:


Louisiana Made, DC PAID!
May 9, 2012
IT Cert-Gang Mafia, GMB and HOH
I couldn't or see someone else could wear some dead person's hair. How disgusting and vile. http://


Top 75 All-Time
May 23, 2012
You really think you are intelligent. Broke me down? TF. There were such things as adult and children hairstyles way before this thread happened. See the LSA thread that I referenced.

Adult hairstyles was the reason I couldn't wear my hair down when I was a little girl. It was the reason that I had to wear ponytails. Are you that damn dumb that you can't grasp that concept?

Also you are very obviously Sierra Mist or someone else's alias. You came to LSA with that same weave bs and made your ass look stupid then too.

ma, stop defending the weave. Embrace your natural beauty.


Jul 15, 2012
Ill informed? You don't even know which buffalo your follicles came from.

Its probably near the anus...


Yak Hair and Yaki Hair
Q: What is Yak hair? I have heard several cosmetologist and beauty supply sales agents tell me Yak hair is “human hair” from a human being and not a Yak animal. Others say Yak hair IS from an animal, however, since it is a living creature, it is considered “human hair”. Please advise me on this matter.

A: This is another development in the hairdressing industry that results in LOTS of confusion due to the way our industry professionals decide to name the products being used. (I’ve ranted for years on the way names of hairstyles can vary widely causing massive confusion for women who want a particular look.)

When it comes to hair extensions as well as wigs and hair pieces, the term(s) Yak Hair (or Yaki Hair) are found all over the place. These two terms refer to hair fibers that are naturally produced, but are very different in their origins.

Yak hair is NOT human hair. It is harvested from the body of the Yak animal – an ox-like mammal native to the Himalayas and Tibet with dark, long and silky hair, a horse-like tail and a full, bushy mane. The hair of the yak is structurally similar to human hair and testing revealed that it responded the same way to the styling methods used to style human hair as human hair responded. In look and texture, this animal hair closely matched “relaxed” African-ethnic hair and Indo-Asian hair types. Because the hair could be grown and harvested from these animals in massive quantities, it has become a staple in inexpensive hair extensions and accessory products.

However, some time after yak hair became widely used in the industry, it was discovered that many people were allergic to the fibers. Since the look of the yak hair products was so popular, researchers immediately went to work looking for another alternative that would be inexpensive, yet give the look women had begun to clamor after.

And thus “YAKI” hair was born. Yaki hair IS human hair that has been harvested in as inexpensive a manner as possible and chemically processed and treated to look and feel the way yak hair does. This allows women to get the look they want without the risk of allergic responses.

So, it seems that your confusion stems from the inability of your previous information sources to properly identify the products they’re discussing.

Get this straight. There is manufactured human hair...that mimics YAK hair?

Man you women are LOST

:wtf: I don't yak or yaki hair. More of your dumb ass assumptions.