Chuck Norris Says He’s Done with THE EXPENDABLES Franchise
The minds behind
The Expendables series are keen to start work on the next sequel. But as they busy themselves with adding more replaceable cogs to their wholly replaceable cast, today comes news that if/when
The Expendables 3 does get rolling, current cog
Chuck Norris won’t be there. The reason for his departure is unconfirmed; however, Norris did make headlines a few months ago when he unsuccessfully lobbied to have
The Expendables 2 edited down to a PG-13 (lest his legion of young fans be traumatized by profanity while they’re watching old men murder people). The uninformed might also attribute the decision to Norris being in his 70s, not realizing that in Chuck Norris-years, he’s only 26. At any rate, hit the jump for the action legend’s comments on his departure from the franchise.
“Nope. Just number 2. This is it for me…Oh, yeah. This is very special. Just to be able to do the film with guys I’ve known for many, many years. To get a chance to get in and fight with them, it was a lot of fun. Plus getting a chance to meet
Terry Crews, who I hadn’t met before. And
Jason Statham, whom I hadn’t met before. It was fun just to do that.”