I’m happy for the ladies in wrestling having more opportunities and enjoy some of their matches.......but man.....when I see ppl gushing over Eva Marie returning or a average Tay Conti match.....The Iconics being released outrage...I’m like cmon man. No way in hell u excited over watching a 15 min Tay Conti match, THAT angry over the Icconics being released
Why do people get all if you don't care about women's wrestling? Do you all give a fukk about 205 Live like that? I'm sure they put on great matches all the time as well.
If it wasn't for BLACK women getting a little shine you all wouldn't give two shyts about the women's division. If it was a bunch of blondes putting on good matches would you all pretend to give a shyt or just be like the cruiser division?
A bunch of Charlotte Flair's putting on four star matches would be yawned at around here. Nothing wrong with admitting that you only care about a couple of women and don't really care one way or the other about the rest. You remove Bayley, Bianca, Naomi and Sasha and the interest in that division drops to ZERO around here.
Who was gushing over Eva Marie, and she’s back? Who was really outraged about the Iconics? If I remember correctly most were upset about Joe being let go. If you don’t like women’s wrestling cool but why do you have to constantly shyt on it? Britt vs Rosa pulled in viewership. Sasha Banks vs Io Shirai pulled in viewership.
How in the hell do you leave out the GOAT Sasha???Charlotte, Becky, Asuka(a lot of those japanese girls actually), and like maybe a few others are the only ones as good as the guys but there's not very many of the horrible Aksana types anymore.
I don't watch all petite so I can't speak for them but on the WWE side