The endless barrage of Tariq threads and political diarrhea has destroyed the TLR forum.


Aug 29, 2013
It's no secret that I'm not a fan of Tariq Nasheed. I consider him a charlatan, a scammer, a hack and overall fraud. This guy has been a scumbag all his life across his music career, low level documentaries, fake museum, bullshyt relationship advice, and now is trying to leverage the political landscape to further grift the public over their fears and hatred. And nevermind how he constantly uses race to steer attention to himself, inevitably monetizing it for his own personal gain.

This forum is degraded with his constant mention here and the moderators are unwilling or incapable of doing anything about it.

Somewhat related is the influx of political diarrhea in TLR over the past several years. It can be understood and tolerated to a degree when there is a story worth covering. But things have devolved to the point where all people are doing here is sharing inane bullshyt from whatever such and such dumbass said on Twitter. Whether it's about Biden or Trump or Kamala. It's either sensationalized bullshyt or outright propaganda hiding behind a phony veneer of "just asking questions" that steers the conversation away from whether someone is capable of doing the job. Whether you agree or disagree with most of their policies.

There is a forum for this kind of stuff. It's called Higher Learning. But they don't post the threads there because 1) It wouldn't get taken seriously and 2) more to the point, it wouldn't give the thread creator the attention he or she is really looking for. Because that's what these threads serve to do: get attention/comments/daps through low level shock value.

Meanwhile, navigating through this forum for anything different or engaging or fun or witty becomes more of a slog.

Of course, I'm well aware of the common reply: if you don't like it, leave. And sure, for myself and others we're slowly moving toward that door...if we haven't left already.

But if this site is to continue to exist or grow (well, maybe grow is a stretch) some moderator or curator is going to have to do something about the proliferation of the worst content here.

Enjoy your evening.
I said what I felt like saying.