Worthless Loser
Lots of both sides bytches in here still lmao .Trump chose to release his bullshyt ass 1776 educational nonsense on MLK day and they still but but but they don’t even see that they are c00nsWe in here
It has been such a long road. Battling Trump, his white supremacist base, the ignorant and most of all the sell out both siders on this forum who wanted nothing more than another Trump presidency. It's been such a long fight friends, soak it in.
Enjoy your Plantation Jubilee in peace breh.
In to see the Plantation Jubilee of the Coli C00NS.
Cut the mularkey jack
You need to see @calixprynce first .
closet rethugs still at it. their thing saved the country. you a spectator in life. just watchwith the animated gifs and everything huh... I will never understand how a black person can love jim crow joe or trump for that matter.
joe and kamala been consistent with the antiblackness so i don't get it. oh well.. do yall thing.