The Emerald Tablets & Hermes Trismegiatus


May 2, 2012
Whose up on this ? This nicca hermes comes across as a culture culture. I refuse to believe this didn't originate from black people and europeans and Greeks are remixing it as usual


Nov 18, 2016
Hermes tri is another name used for thoth isnt it. The egyotian god of knowledge.

Dorian Breh

Jan 14, 2016
hermes trismegistus wasnt a real person i dont think.. more of a deity

and to the extent it was a person or group of people, i believe the greeks and romans identified him as an egyptian

if you want a less cac perspective, the quran identifies the same persona as a true prophet and have their own related traditions i believe


Nov 18, 2016
Jesus, Thoth, Hermes...there is a common thread.

Hermetics is the root of most of this shyt, you would be wise to dig in if it's something that interests you.

A lot of the stuff ive found on hermetics has been that new age spiritual b*stardisation of it. They say that the high level freemasons have all the knowledge from egypt and thats their secrets.

King Jae

Oct 2, 2014
Yea...he swiped shyt from Egypt...He went to their mystery schools and brought it Jesus did...


Theres a whole section bout Hermes in here if ur interested....whole book 500 pages of game...would recommend it to any1 interested in learning about the esoteric side of thangs...


The Legendary Super Sapien.
May 2, 2012
A lot of the stuff ive found on hermetics has been that new age spiritual b*stardisation of it. They say that the high level freemasons have all the knowledge from egypt and thats their secrets.

"New age, spiritual, religious ect."

It's all the same to the many faced god. Masons, real masons know where all of it is synthesized from. Humans take high science and dumb it down to for capitalism, even when they are being well intentioned because that's just the game we're currently playing, things change though.


Feb 12, 2015
:blessed:Sittin here in an airport waitin for me flight and ya'll buss out the esoteric shyt. Nothing better than delving into the hidden and weird to make me start questioning stuff.

Like ooohh I recently learned that early church fathers actually had most of the grimoires or spell books at the turn of the century. It's so funny how people came to associate magic with the devil despite early Christians recognizing natural magic vs devil worshiping.

So apparently a lot of this was taken from Mesopotamia originally and then Egyptians got it and then Persians, Greeks, Europeans and the like.

What I've always been interested in is how similar magic seems to be across cultures. Emphasis on gold, use of runes and incantations, even within REALLY old traditions like Tibetan Buddhism.
:feedme: More from the Coli


Nov 18, 2016
"New age, spiritual, religious ect."

It's all the same to the many faced god. Masons, real masons know where all of it is synthesized from. Humans take high science and dumb it down to for capitalism, even when they are being well intentioned because that's just the game we're currently playing, things change though.

Yeah but that new age bullshyt goes directly against the bible quaran etc. Its false. All that positive thinking type bullshyt. Theres anciwnt myths warning agaonst all that like the boy who prays to only see the sun.


Midwest Moonwalker
Jul 31, 2012
Hermes is Tehuti, the Egyptian/Kamitian God of Wisdom. Once the Greeks really got a foothold in Egypt they renamed him Hermes.


The Legendary Super Sapien.
May 2, 2012
Yeah but that new age bullshyt goes directly against the bible quaran etc. Its false. All that positive thinking type bullshyt. Theres anciwnt myths warning agaonst all that like the boy who prays to only see the sun.

Abrahamic religions, IMO are all misguided, unbalanced false representations of divine masculine energy. Positive thinking is great and it SHOULD go against the bible, quaran and other ideologies that have really only served to create separation. The issue is that modern day 'spirituality' can be just as false and distorted as religion, in the other direction. The so called 'new age' is the false representation of the divine feminine energy trying to counter balance the destruction that has been left behind in the wake of the former.

It's why you see this #metoo shyt, the distorted feminist ideals, it's just an attempt to balance the scale. Balance comes from harmony, not from a tug of war between yin/yang. The 4 principle of hermeticism, polarity is a major key to repairing relationships between 'spirituality', religion, men, women ect.
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Feb 12, 2015
So personally I grew up Christian. Baptist specifically. Gimme that tamborine and we on it. However I've always been fascinated by other religions and growing up my parents were so liberal that they wanted me to understand anything and everything. So that's what I did. When I hit college I ended up refining my own religious beliefs after plumbing the depths of mysticism in both Christianity and most other religious traditions.

So right now I'm currently a Christian perennialist. Dr. James Cutsinger and Frithof Schuon were mentors and advisors. It's important to find a teacher or a guide. I have a tree as well but that's another story.

Perennialism is just a fancy way of saying that there are many different paths up the same mountain. Some take longer than others. Some are zig zag, others are more straight and narrow.

Some individuals reach the top instantaneously, others take a lifetime or several lifetimes. Some take an eternity. But eventually we all reach the top.

So the goal of the mystic aspects of most prescribed religious action is unity with the divine. Essentially we are divine but someway, or somehow we forgot or got existentially distracted. Fell from Heaven and hit our heads. Got some cosmic ass amnesia, lost all our powers, perspective, abilities and most importantly understanding of the divine we are apart of that exists within.

So what we do is find ways to get a tiny sliver of that back. Maybe a lil bhaktic yogic path thru devotion and supplication. Praising the divine outside of ourselves such as within Christianity and other traditions.

Or we refuse to even broach the question b/c we don't want to be arrogant and assume we can know what we can't ascertain with our already limited senses. So we merely form our lives as a testament of our divinity which is an atheists path...(and also some older nihilistic forms of Buddhism as well...extinction of even the idea of a divine in the killing of the ego).

Or we seek out entities on different planes to give us a bit of that divine power thru their abilities. Or we perform rituals or spells or incantations to invoke beings more powerful than ourselves.
Some of those involve very violent disgusting methods to breakdown dualities to achieve transcendence. But can be dangerous b/c it's not smart to trust every entity u invoke. Other paths require sacrifice either of blood, flesh, spirit, soul, time or free will.

In my own path, it does require sacrifice but my own mediator already sacrificed himself for me. So the path requires no blood or sacrifice other than my own imperfections, time, service. It is also a path of unity. I'm skipping all the entities and spells. My ultimate goal is complete and utter spiritual unity with the Lord of Lords, being ex nilhlio, niruna Brahman, pure utter perfection.
Essentially if we were to put it in magical terms, I'm seeking to skip the spiritual line. To perform the "spell" or "incantation" to as Peter describes "partake in the divine unity".

And in that oneness with the Divine, all of Sophia is with you, ur word is creation, ur will is reality. And u become what u once were again. So far in my studies with religion, the arcane, the occult...I've found approximations but rarely the real thing. But I've been guided to believe that constant approximation or revelation is divine perfection. I'm still grappling with that idea...

I will say the closer I've gotten, the weirder things have become. I used to have short little bursts of deja vue. Now I have full on scenes where I can literally see something happen and know exactly how it will play out but I'm paralyzed and can't act to change the events.

Anyhoo very interesting shyt. I'm very curious what steps Egyptians lay out for divine unity...


The Legendary Super Sapien.
May 2, 2012
So personally I grew up Christian. Baptist specifically. Gimme that tamborine and we on it. However I've always been fascinated by other religions and growing up my parents were so liberal that they wanted me to understand anything and everything. So that's what I did. When I hit college I ended up refining my own religious beliefs after plumbing the depths of mysticism in both Christianity and most other religious traditions.

So right now I'm currently a Christian perennialist. Dr. James Cutsinger and Frithof Schuon were mentors and advisors. It's important to find a teacher or a guide. I have a tree as well but that's another story.

Perennialism is just a fancy way of saying that there are many different paths up the same mountain. Some take longer than others. Some are zig zag, others are more straight and narrow.

Some individuals reach the top instantaneously, others take a lifetime or several lifetimes. Some take an eternity. But eventually we all reach the top.

So the goal of the mystic aspects of most prescribed religious action is unity with the divine. Essentially we are divine but someway, or somehow we forgot or got existentially distracted. Fell from Heaven and hit our heads. Got some cosmic ass amnesia, lost all our powers, perspective, abilities and most importantly understanding of the divine we are apart of that exists within.

So what we do is find ways to get a tiny sliver of that back. Maybe a lil bhaktic yogic path thru devotion and supplication. Praising the divine outside of ourselves such as within Christianity and other traditions.

Or we refuse to even broach the question b/c we don't want to be arrogant and assume we can know what we can't ascertain with our already limited senses. So we merely form our lives as a testament of our divinity which is an atheists path...(and also some older nihilistic forms of Buddhism as well...extinction of even the idea of a divine in the killing of the ego).

Or we seek out entities on different planes to give us a bit of that divine power thru their abilities. Or we perform rituals or spells or incantations to invoke beings more powerful than ourselves.
Some of those involve very violent disgusting methods to breakdown dualities to achieve transcendence. But can be dangerous b/c it's not smart to trust every entity u invoke. Other paths require sacrifice either of blood, flesh, spirit, soul, time or free will.

In my own path, it does require sacrifice but my own mediator already sacrificed himself for me. So the path requires no blood or sacrifice other than my own imperfections, time, service. It is also a path of unity. I'm skipping all the entities and spells. My ultimate goal is complete and utter spiritual unity with the Lord of Lords, being ex nilhlio, niruna Brahman, pure utter perfection.
Essentially if we were to put it in magical terms, I'm seeking to skip the spiritual line. To perform the "spell" or "incantation" to as Peter describes "partake in the divine unity".

And in that oneness with the Divine, all of Sophia is with you, ur word is creation, ur will is reality. And u become what u once were again. So far in my studies with religion, the arcane, the occult...I've found approximations but rarely the real thing. But I've been guided to believe that constant approximation or revelation is divine perfection. I'm still grappling with that idea...

I will say the closer I've gotten, the weirder things have become. I used to have short little bursts of deja vue. Now I have full on scenes where I can literally see something happen and know exactly how it will play out but I'm paralyzed and can't act to change the events.

Anyhoo very interesting shyt. I'm very curious what steps Egyptians lay out for divine unity...

Never heard of perennialist, sounds like gnostic Christianity to me. As someone who was raised around Christianity, Gnosticism kind of opened the door for me on my path, dope shyt.

Love is the only law, we all splinter off from the same light and we are all heading right back there, in whatever way excites us (hopefully) the most. Same destination, you have 'free will' in how you enjoy the trip there.

As for the bold, the so called "Fall". I have an understanding of...that concept that is as beautiful as it is terrifying.

I know what it feels like..I know what it FELT like to come from the heavens, from unity consciousness and then be dropped on your head into hell (earth). I GET it now, I understand the pain and the confusion that comes along with falling out of harmony with the divine in real time. Feels like DEATH.
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