Bryan Danielson
Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
*looks at thread title*
Its more transparent than ever
For instance
Sammy takes a lot of Ls..most recently ate the pin at the PPV. But if someone said they are burying him theyd be insane. Hes being booked almost perfectly
Its just not like in WWE where someone takes repeated Ls and doesnt have any character work to go along with it OR they give a shyt gimmick to purposefully make them look shyt for whatever reason.
Sammy is getting a lot of time to portray his personality and isnt getting squashed at all. He hangs in there and does a good job and itll eventually make sense when they give him a push because they can play the angle that hes learned from jericho as a mentor, learned from his losses and improved as a wrestler as hes gotten older. So what if one of the Elite get a W over him right now?
The trolls are just dumb. What would be burying is if they booked the Elite to lose more often than not and not be in a top position when the company is named after them. Thatd be burying the whole company.
I havent seen any indication that the elite have any problem putting someone over
my guess is they didnt want to go the obvious route of making The Elite all of the champions so they had the Bucks taking Ls....Cody disqualified from even being champ and Kenny just kind of going at all the top heels. It will happen and when it does happen we'll get people complaining "ooohh of course the elite makes omega the champ...typical"....Kenny omega still isn't their champ?