I just binged the first four episodes last night. This is prototypical David Simon storytelling. It reminds me of Treme the most as far as pacing goes. Gyllenhall is killing it so far but that's to be expected. I care about all of the characters. Yet there is no main character. The closest you come to one is Vince but he's essentially the McNulty of this show. The guy that connects everyone together via the bar. I honestly don't know how to feel about the Vince character, though. Frankie's a gambling, immature, fukkup, I get that. But what is Vince's motivation? I feel like he's just the nice guy that likes everyone. He's a deadbeat dad, but we're not compelled to even care about that. We see his kids once: when they're asleep and he's abandoning them. Is he really trying to prove the random dude from Brooklyn can make a name for himself?
Or is he just living? His ability to so easily leave his family, and adapt to any situation that occurs and have a smile on his face within moments is now, as I'm writing this, reminding me of something Abby says to him in the first episode. She asks him if he's ever read The Stranger by Camus. I don't know if any of you guys are familiar with the existentialism or absurdism movements. But in all of his guinea, low brow Brooklyn mannerisms, I see a guy who could be labeled as an existentialist. I'm blowing my own mind right now, but I'm remembering the scene with Vince looking to buy a gun. If you have read The Stranger, you might know what I'm thinking right now. I think if anyone dies this season Vinny's the one doing the killing. I'm probably reading way too much into this, but Vince seems like the only person on this show who has no clear motivation for anything he does. Money doesn't seem to be a motivation. He tells his wife I work seven days a week, as if providing is a motivation, yet he leaves his family on a whim. Each time a new business prospect is brought up to him he does his best Larry David impersonation

This guy doesn't really care about anything.