She hasn’t? Candy’s entire story these last couple episodes has been about her coming to grips with the reality of the business she’s in. Remember that scene where she asks Harvey what happens to all the girls who “age out” of porn? Her dialogue with Harvey in this last episode? It’s all a reaction to her being called out.
But every little lesson she learns or every time she's called out she funnels it into her movie - a movie we're not going to see - then Candy the person doesn't seem to be change. The thing that keeps changing is the plot or concept of her film.
I understand that someone can channel their feelings into their work, but in terms of her external actions, she's pretty much been doing the same shyt and acting the same way since she left the street. Not to downplay that because it was a huge character development, but it feels like ever since then she's been running in place and we're supposed to be rooting for her, but what are we rooting for?
I feel like a part of this show lost something, especially with the women. I used to know what they wanted, or at least knew what was motivating them.
Even Vince's wife - they have this open relationship, and she's unhappy with Vince, but she doesn't appear to be super happy with her side-chick GF or any other fukk buddy enough to leave, and she doesn't seem to want to really be with Vince. So what does she actually want?
Everything doesn't need to be cut and dry or obvious, but I just find myself watching some scenes waiting for them to be over and move on to someone else's storyline.
Maybe it's just me. It probably is. But I still like the show. It's well written and a well told story.