THISThat's why I laugh at Black women when they lead with their degrees, salary, etc. when attempting to highlight why they're a catch.
Most of that will become a non-factor once a woman pops out the second child.
I know a lot of women who were professionals that dropped out the workforce once the kids were born.
Honestly. Search any black female forum and half the post are..
"I'm cute, have 7 degrees, a good job WHY CANT I FIND A MAN"
They don't understand that men are NOT trying to date Chics that want to be men. no one gives AF about your stupid job. nikkas will scoop the cute barista working 25 hours a week at $9.50 an hour and wife that before they wife some older chic working working 50 hours a week in finance making 125k who has no time for him once she comes home cause she's tired.
Men like
Youth and attractiveness. Men are not hypergamous like women. The issue with women is they project what they look for in a man into men themselves thinking that that must be what men for in them