The only thing I want from WEST Africa(Mainly Mande, Mende, Fulani, Dahomey, Igbo, Yoruba and Kongo) is reparations...
Just fixed for you.
Because tribes like Manyika, Kuba, Himba, Sotho, Tswana, Xindonga, Tsonga, Kalanga, Xindonga, Xhosa, Swazi, Pedi, Venda, Ndebele, Damara, Ovimbundu, Shona, Zulu, Nama, Herero, Ovango, Kavango, Caprivi, Lozi, Teke, Luvale, Chewa, Ngoni, Nyanja, Tumbuka, Sena, Lomwe, Yao, Ngangela, Nyaneka-Lumkumbi, Twa, Tutsi, Hutus, Banyankole, Baganda, Basoga, Bakiga, Iteso, Langi, Acholi, Bagisu and a lot more tribes were not selling each other. Even Zulus, known for being very ruthless, were not selling other black tribes to Europeans.
And even in West Africa, there were tribes like the Fang, that were raided, but were not selling black people from other tribes. They were raided by europeans and because of the european propaganda...
"The Fang people were victims of the large transatlantic and trans-Saharan slave trade between the 16th and 19th century. They were stereotyped as cannibals by slave traders and missionaries, in part because human skulls and bones were found in open or in wooden boxes near their villages, a claim used to justify violence against them and their enslavement.[1] When their villages were raided, thousands of their wooden idols and villages were burnt by the slave raiders.[4] Later ethnologists who actually spent time with the Fang people later discovered that the Fang people were not cannibalistic, the human bones in open and wooden boxes were of their ancestors, and were Fang people's method of routine remembrance and religious reverence for their dead loved ones."
These slave traders and missionaires, were not black...
Fang people - Wikipedia
And in the Eastern part, in places like Mozambique, you had guys like King Soshangane. He was against slavery, he ended slavery in lands near his kingdom, killed thousands of europeans who were trying to enslave Africans, and also forced other Europeans(mainly portuguese) to pay him tribute. To the point that the portuguese empire was paying them tribute.
Just like there are lies about the Lunda people selling other tribes, when in reality, they were fighting against Europeans and Arabs and stopping other Africans from being enslaved.
Like i have said before, i do not make any excuses for the African tribes that participated in the slave trade, but you have to be blind, to believe that most of the slaves were captured and sold by other Africans...