And Hillary version 2.0
And Hillary version 2.0
Most republican and Trump voters are happy with their vote in Trump. They like everything he is doing.You thinking these white republicans gonna be stupid enough to vote for Trump again
If anything, they gonna vote for Pence!!
I thought he could've won it easily passed election. You would think so. We'll see I like Bernie more than the potential candidates in the op.Bernie can win this easily and he's the only one who can win the blue collar states back
A biracial liberal feminist woman from California breh - Obama copycat female version
Most republican and Trump voters are happy with their vote in Trump. They like everything he is doing.
Vote for politicians because they are "fine" brehsKamla is fine, I will vote for her nice ass
Democratic Party is so fractured no way he loses unless Dwayne Johnson runs. It's sad that I actually wrote that Even blue collar White workers want him to run.Listen, if Trump even lasts another 3 and half, that'll be amazing in itself. Unless this guy does a miracle hail mary, I am confidant 2020 is a wrap
They aren't going far left. What they are doing is pseudo left. The Democrats need to focus on economics and healthcare. Also, have a pragmatic foreign policy approach and end the imperialism. Plus, STOP being a corporate whore.Say what you want about Obama, but at least he married a black woman.
Let's take a look at Kamala's spouse:
It's going to be hard for her to galvanize black men.
The democrats biggest problem is that they're going too far left; spending too much time on gay/trans stuff & trying to figure out how to give more free shyt away.
If somebody puts up a candidate who will meet me in the middle I'll vote for them, otherwise I'm staying home in 2020.
More like Eugene McCarthy.Bernie is George McGovern 2.0. His message only plays well on the coasts and larger cities. The only Midwestern states he could win would be Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. He'd likely lose Ohio, Pennslyvania, not to mention most of Appalachia. Its hard to see how he gets to 270 simply because most of the country leans conservative and is heavily mis educated on socialism.The fukking country just elected a crypto fascist but cats think socialism will play well with these cacs.