My Girl is Bow Legged
guess they need that barry allen stimulus package sooner rather than later
But Gotham is the better show!![]()
Yes it is!
the whole "how is penguin going to get himself out of it this time" gimmick was great the first time then it became tiresome. A large reason s1 sucked was it relied to heavily on fish/ penguin and the mob stuff which wasn't handled well. So glad they've toned that fuker down this season and have spread some shine to nygma(who I once thought was useless), Jerome, Barbara and TheoI thought Fish and her mob arc midway of season 1 was cool though.
But that was also cause Falcone and Maroni was there![]()
the whole "how is penguin going to get himself out of it this time" gimmick was great the first time then it became tiresome. A large reason s1 sucked was it relied to heavily on fish/ penguin and the mob stuff which wasn't handled well. So glad they've toned that fuker down this season and have spread some shine to nygma(who I once thought was useless), Jerome, Barbara and Theo![]()
that's crazy, this season actually feels like a show that exists in the batman universe whilst last year was a mish mash wallop. Different strokes I guessGuess it all depends on what you were looking for in a prequel about Gotham. I was always interested in seeing the element of the mob and how they went to war and how that eventually transistioned to the rouges taking over. Truth be told I would have been happy if they did a Ed Brubaker's Gotham Central style show where it was just about the cops and the mob, with the rogues and capes playing the background (Although I think Agents of Shield has probably killed any enthusiasm for a show about supporting characters but I digress) . Fish/Penguin/Falcone/Maroni's arc that they went into after the winter break I thought was the best part of the show (Even though yeah Oswald was kinda camp as hell). I think I still preferred over the rogues gallery they put this season (I know people were hyped about Jerome and the dude did well but we knew he wasnt the Joker and it kinda felt like desperation by the showrunners even though I get the necessity of having a Joker like character, they also knew that's not his origin).
I like how they've developed Barbara though. I'm glad they took a female character who wasnt given anything and was being developed badly and the fans were shytting on her a bit too much (as they always do with these things) and found a lane for her and the actress and character blossomed for it. They dont do it enough on comic book shows with their female characters.
that's crazy, this season actually feels like a show that exists in the batman universe whilst last year was a mish mash wallop. Different strokes I guess![]()
Season 2 of Gotham is a much better show than Supergirl. its not hate either because I enjoy Supergirl too.