Secure Da Bag
Give black women they flowers
I'm not watching that garbage called Equalizer. So, again, is this show good or what?
Give black women they flowers
its a work in progress, the cast is goodI'm not watching that garbage called Equalizer. So, again, is this show good or what?
And what's with her not tell anyone about that kryptonite bullet wound? ESPECIALLY to her new roommate that's also a Dr?
Damn.. most people bailed on this
This time Last year, I was in an empty office building, sipping unlimited cappacinos, watch thus on the tablet while I worked on a computer. Thats not my life any more.Damn.. most people bailed on this
This ep was kinda deep with the child abduction angle. Kinda mirrored Beth being stuck in the basement
Kinda figured they were gonna go theroute with her ex
And what's with her not tell anyone about that kryptonite bullet wound? ESPECIALLY to her new roommate that's also a Dr?
Manufactured drama already an indicator of bad writing.
I never got on. Still waiting for a review or rating of this show.
CW hasn't cared about ratings for a long time. Most of their shows do great elsewhere.How do you renew a show before it even airs? And who is actually still watching riverdale? That shyt has gone all the way into the toilet