Why it has to be Bianca to be the one who attacked Jade when she was in the ring when it happened? We all know that Jade is still green when it comes to wrestling and a match would not be great because Jade wouldn't be able to carry her own for a extended period of time. IMO, having Naomi as the attacker would be better because creative can use this as a excuse for them to drop the titles to Liv and Raquel, give Jade a feud with someone who can work her better and give Bianca a reason to run as a single wrestler again. Even if HHH doesn't want to give Bianca a belt, she can do more on solo missions against the other vets while protecting Tiff and Rhea since Paul wants them to hold the gold for now. We can all be in a agreement that Bianca is not be utilized property because she is too talented in the ring and has to charisma to stand on her own.