The Contrarian/Anti-Woke left continue trend of Anti-Democrat/Black & Dirtbag Leftist grift


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Chapo Trap House poster defending these militia types: @Cole Cash check this out


Photo: The Guardian

Nazi drives car into protestors, kills woman. FBI foils plot of The Base to strike Virginia gun rally. Marshalls arrest key members of Atomwaffen Division, find massive cache of weapons.

We’re all familiar with news like the above at this point. We see a clear pattern of far-right terrorism play out across the US, as the neoliberal capitalist order crumbles under the weight of its own contradictions and fascists seize the moment to expand their power like they did in 1920s/30s Germany.

“But actually, that’s bullshyt,” says Matt Christman, inventor of podcasting and America’s foremost expert in extremism.

6:08 “A lot of people who should know better are freaking out because the FBI had some dude who wanted a Playstation, who got some yahoos and said ‘hey, you wanna abduct the Governor?’ and they said ‘yeah, let’s do it.’ And now there’s guys saying “oh no, there was gonna be a coup in Michigan. Thank God the FBI came and stopped them!’ The FBI, the guys who killed Fred Hampton and maybe MLK. They’re your friends now! They’re the good guys! They’re the ones saving us from the ‘nazi hordes!’”

Yeah, the whole 10 minute segment starting from 4:53 is like that. Excuse me for not transcribing all of this questionably coherent ranting.

What a bold new idea. What if FBI… bad? Nobody else thought of that. Thanks, Matt.

It goes without saying that among the modern Left, it’s well-known the FBI has a history of initiating programs like COINTELPRO, responsible for the assassinations of the Black Panther leadership. Clearly, the interests of the FBI are opposed to the interests of the people.

Which naturally means that when the FBI says a Michigan militia planned to kidnap Governor Whitmer, they were lying. And pursued a nefarious scheme with that lie, like making people vote for Biden. It’s simple logic, folks!

Except… this line of reasoning disregards the fact Whitmer is a member of the ruling class. The FBI exists to serve and protect her interests. If there’s a threat to her life, you can be damn sure the guard dogs of capitalism will rush to her defense. Concocting a fictitious plot to intrude on Whitmer’s private life and disturb her peace, that’s not something you do to your boss if you want to keep your paychecks.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Christman presents shyt all evidence.

Even if it appears like he does. Christman mentions, correctly, that following 9/11 law enforcement agencies routinely staged so-called “sting operations” to expose alleged terrorists, but were in reality nothing but entrapment. Poor and mentally unsound people were radicalized by undercover agents and incited to commit crimes or acts of terror. Sometimes the necessary tools and materials were provided to them free of charge by Uncle Sam.

What he gets wrong, however, is the fact that these entrapment ops stopped in 2007 like he implies. Fake sting ops replaced fake Al Qaeda terrorists for fake ISIS terrorists. The biggest glut of fake sting ops against ISIS members went down in 2014, long after Christman claims “everybody stopped caring about terrorism.” And who is everybody? Infamously paranoid Conservative America?

The proposition that the security apparatus switched from fake Islamist terrorists to fake nazi terrorists, in a ploy to justify its continued existence and funding, is absolutely ridiculous. Simply because they didn’t need to.

It’s especially laughable if you consider that the FBI and other agencies have been warning against a systematic infiltration of law enforcement since the Bush years. Reports that have been roundly ignored by the general public and decision-makers. This danger has proven itself real again and again over the past 4 years, from PDs collaborating with nazi groups to the DHS inserting 14 and 88 in official press releases.

(The FBI acted by the book in the case Whitmer because more of its elements are loyal to the old order as opposed to revolutionary conservatism aka fascism, before anyone accuses me of contradicting myself.)

Why would the security apparatus scaremonger against fascists if fascists run the shots over there?

Christman has no answers to this question.
Instead he calls leftists worried about the writing on the wall delusional idiots, if indirectly, and spins crazed conspiracy theories about people fantasizing a nazi threat into existence so they can rationalize voting for Biden.(???)

Of course, if you actually listen to the people worried about the growing far-right violence that has gripped America, few leftists think Biden’s ascension to the throne will make this problem disappear into thin air. Much like Bernie’s presidency wouldn’t have. While Trump is just a symptom of the disease, his rule exacerbates the problem and enables far-right violence. Leftists concerned with fascists murdering people left and right across America don’t need to rationalize their holding-my-nose vote for Biden; if you want to take fuel away from the fire, getting rid of Trump is the rational action.

(And yes, everyone is aware Biden is a shyt-tier neoliberal whose presidency won’t do anything to address the degradation of material conditions that provided fertile ground for the current growth of fascism. But people live — and die — in the here and now. Scolding people to vote for less people being killed by nazis each year is a move that puts your leftist credentials into question.)

Christman uses childish rhetorical tricks to dismiss concerns about rising far-right violence. Repeatedly saying “nazi hordes” in scare quotes. But also repeatedly calling the wannabe kidnappers of the Michigan militia “yahoos.”

Do you know who else were yahoos? The Sturmabteilung.

The brownshirts were just a bunch of German yahoos and yobs who spent their time mostly in street brawls. And then they bashed in the skulls of the opposition and took over Germany.

Fascists are killer clowns. That someone is a clown doesn’t mean he’s also not a killer. Even babies have been reported to grab daddy’s gun and shoot him dead. You can be the most pathetic loser under the sun and still manage to hurt or kill people. Just look at Kyle Rittenhouse.

In May armed militia men stormed the governor’s statehouse, again in Michigan, to demand an end to the lockdown that prevented them dying from plague. If only one had discharged a round and hit somebody, this would’ve been a terror attack.

Christman looks at these scenes and laughs about yahoos being stupid motherfukkers. People of color and other minorities look at this and see themselves on the other side facing the nazi militia.

He goes on to denigrate people talking about the fascist threat as “only posting,” completely ignoring counterprotestors with bigger balls than he will ever have taking to the street and standing up to Proud Boys and co in Portland, Seattle and many other places in America every day. (Posting is only good if you’re a podcast that makes $159,206 a month, you see.)

The Chapos’ contempt for direct action is nothing new. In the past they shyt-talked plumbline, bread-and-butter leftist tactics like mutual aid — you know, actually going out there and helping people in an immediate fashion — calling it “church lady activism.” Apparently that’s not “power-building,” in contrast to exercises in liberalism like putting all your resources into electoralism.

In Christman’s imagination, everybody who voices concern over ultra-right paramilitaries suffers from self-delusion. They want to live in a fantasy where one day the Hydra agents kick down the door and America falls so they don’t have to meet their “social obligations” and not “pay their credit card bills” anymore. That’s awfully rich coming from a guy who doesn’t work a real job and gets paid for farting into a microphone.

As a closing thought, I wonder why a figure who is held as a leading leftist voice by some quarters feels the need to expend energy on downplaying the threat of paramilitary fascism, and with such broken logic. I guess we’ll never know.

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